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It was the wedding day off Crown Prince Min Yoongi and Omega Prince Park Jimin. The grand wedding is held in the Castle shrine itself. The whole castle perimeter decorated in red silk and red flowers.

The future queen was getting ready in his assigned chamber. After a waiting and emptiness of a whole long week he is going to meet his mate today.

The ceremonies related to wedding already started early in the morning. The bride washed his body in water filled pomegranate and pomelia leaves for good luck.

The Witches king came back from Lumar at the night for his son's important day. The king bring a lot of precious things to his son as the gifts and dowry.

The whole 5 relms were invited to the biggest kingdom's royal wedding. The people from Lumar began to came one by one to the kingdom boundary from early in the morning. Every witches were happy that there beloved Prince is getting married today.

The Court lady and other maidens dressed the new bride in royal red robe. She made their Crown Prince's mate long hair with pretty hair jewelry made up of gold and ruby.

"Please come my king and Queen

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"Please come my king and Queen... Do the hair combing ceremony of our Prince.. "

The Royal couple who are looking at their son with teary heart eyes. Jimin looked at his parents were standing near him silently. The omega Prince let out a heartwarming smile to his parents.

Goeun controlled her tears and came forward to fulfill the ceremony

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Goeun controlled her tears and came forward to fulfill the ceremony. The court lady gave a new bamboo comb attached with red tassel gave to them.

They must comb 4 times the bride's hair mumbling 4 blessings to the his ears.
The couple hold the bamboo comb together and began to stroke their son's hair.

After the first stroke the parents mumbled to Jimin's ears.

"May your marriage last for a lifetime.. "

They do the same again for the second time and mumbled again.

"May you blessed with a happy and harmonious marriage until old age... "

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