The Cursed Prince

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5 Years Later....
Inhuman Relm, Wolf World

The Queen Min Haeji applying a special herbal oil with a quill on his Alpha son's scars. The scars he got from the giant iron chains. It's been 85 days the true blood Alpha Prince got his rut. The wounds already healed. But the ugly scars are still there.

The Queen made a special herbal oil mix specially to treating his scars. Now the prince is in his royal chamber in the central palace. He will stay in a special chamber bedded with a lot of herbs and scented candles to ease his pain during the rut.

The Alpha prince's rut chamber is far from the central palace, in the North side of the castle

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The Alpha prince's rut chamber is far from the central palace, in the North side of the castle. The North side of the Wolf world is dense forest. The prince will be in isolation during his rut period. Because his strong scent during rut can trigger the alphas in the castle into their rut and omegas into their heat.

The Queen gently apply the medicine on Yoongi's scars. She placed the vessal down.

"Prepare the bath for the prince... "

The queen commands the beta maiden of the Prince chamber in her authoritative voice. The maiden standing near the bathroom door while looking at the floor once again bowed to the queen and go to the bathroom.

"Get up my Prince... Your royal bath is ready... "

The Prince was doomed in his own thoughts. He didn't even heard what his mother told him.

"What are you thinking Yoongiya... "

The Queen gently caressed the loosely tied white long hair of her son.

"I can't do this anymore mother... This pain.. This sufferings... I know I deserve this.. But is this agony enough for their innocent blood... "

The mother's heart shattered while seeing the glossy eyes of the strongest wolf of their kind. She slowly wipe the lonely tear slipped from her son's eye.

This was unbearable for that mother. She has been seeing her son's pain for last half Millenium.

"Hey my baby... You are the strongest in our kind.. Just a little bit time.. Your pain will end.. I will find your cure... "

The true blood didn't utter a single word to his mother. He knew what is his mother indicating now. It's time of another poor soul.

"Mother... Please not again.. I can't kill another innocent one... Try to understand me.. "

"My Prince... Do you think that your pleadings going to work.. No my child... You know how your father is..? He will do anything for your cure... "

The Crown Prince chuckled dryly. He knows the king, his father doing all this for him being his legal heir and strongest wolf of whole mankind and the blood moon owner.

"As like king Min Deak- ju love like his son.. "

"Don't say like that my son... "

The Queen scold her elder son softly and began to untie his hair.

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