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Me and this person named Kim Taehyung came out just to spend time together and know each other

" So , do you want this marriage to take place ?" I asked " I am just marrying you for my parent's sake " " wow atleast we have things in common" " what do you mean ?" " I have the same reason "

" Don't except anything from me , I won't be able to love and give you time like other couples " " who want that ?" He give me side eye

" What do you do ? " I asked " don't you know me " " why are you a secret member of stray kids or xxx restaurant's chef ?" " What the hell I'm Kim Taehyung CEO of Vante industries " " oh I see " " don't you know me ?" He asked once again

" Honestly no , I have been busy lately so I don't have time for these types of things " " what is your source of living or are you enjoying on your parents money till now " he said in mocking tone , I laughed a little " no Mr Kim I'm a civil lawyer , Advocate Lee Y/N I think you must have heard this name once in your life "


Actually she is right I have heard about her but never saw her . But if I said yes then I won't be good in my perspective

" No I haven't heard about you" I said
She again laughed a little , what does she know ? " As you say Mr Kim " why she is giving me different vibes . " Are you ready for marriage?" " Yes but I have a condition " " say " " I won't quit my profession at any cost " " I'm not gonna force you to do anything , but mind it your business won't cus problem for me in any means " " alright "

We both entered in the hall " we both are ready for marriage" her dad looked at her for her approval" yes dad I'm ready for it " " that's good, marriage will be conduct after one month , let them know each other in this time spam , what say Mr.lee " " we agreed "

Time skip ~

I'm sitting with my friends in the club , after all this drama I need to refresh my mind somehow .

Me , Namjoon, Yoongi, HOSEOK, Jin , Jimin , jungkook

But there is some unpleasant silence. Me and jimin have a beef ,we don't like to see each other's face , talking is far more concept because of our common friends we are sitting together under same roof

" I don't know what to do mom & dad are not even doing something. They want this marriage to happen soon as possible, arghhh my life sucks "

" Whose not huh? " Jin said while sipping his whiskey . "What a shame THE GREAT BUISNESS TYCOON KIM TAEHYUNG can't even reject a marriage proposal " jimin said in a mocking tone " just stay out of this matter if you don't own it "
" Like I'm sitting here with my will" " just go then no one wants you here anyway " " yes , yes and I'm not dieing to stay here as well" he left from there after smashing his glass on floor

"Why you did that ?" Namjoon Hyung asked me " did you saw his attitude and plus I didn't start first " " why don't you forgive each other and start from 0 again " hobi Hyung said

"I don't have any problem if he say sorry to me " "and he won't say it first " yoongi hyung said


Sorry for short chapter. I hope you like it 😊❤️

 I hope you like it 😊❤️

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