PART -28

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Author's POV

Taehyung took out the pen from his shirt's pocket which was recording everything don't know from when . He twirled the pen between his index and middle finger while whistling.

Emma's eyes widened to saw that , she felt betrayed. She thought that she will make him hers after coming in England that's why she told him truth . But she didn't know that Taehyung trapped her in her own words so smoothly. Taehyung just smirk while enjoying her reaction.  He felt satisfied.

He put back the pen in his pant' s pocket  and pat it lightly. Emma tried to snatch the pen from his pocket but he caught her hand in between and twist it firmly.

" Don't you dare , I'm enduring you because you are my friend or should I say once you were my friend . From now on their anything in between us not even Friendship " he jerked her hand from his grip and hold his luggage. He started walking away from her .

She ran behind him but to her surprise a Lamborghini was coming in full speed . Taehyung notice that and pulled her towards him before that Lamborghini could hit her . Owner came out of his car and started shouting on them . In return Taehyung just said sorry , so that matter won't stretch more .

He looked down and saw Emma was shivering in his hold . He pushed her away from his body . He can't endure any other women's closeness expect his


He saved her because of humanity afterall , if something happen to her first suspect would to be Taehyung only .
" Are you fucking idiot" he yelled at her .
" I know from the start that you care about me , please Tae bear come back in my life " she said and was about to touch his bread cheeks but before that he slapped her hand lightly.

" Be in your limits Emma , I just did for humanity nothing else " he said ....he continued " if you can't take this simple gesture of humanity I guess there is no use to talk to you "

He left from there , leaving her behind. He didn't turn behind once . Emma was hoping that he will come to her , but he didn't even turn . She was thinking where her plan got failed. It was going so smoothly that even family members were convinced.

It was 10 pm in the England, so Taehyung thought to send proof to her cuz it was 6 am in the South Korea and it was the perfect time . After proving his innocence he placed the phone on the nightstand and slept peacefully after so many days or weeks .


After seeing the video footage, Y/N's blood boiled....she even thought which charges she have to put on her in order to rot her in jail forever.

She was feeling very restless and guilty too for her behaviour which she has shown to him . She even thought that she's gonna go to him and apologize.

She descended from the stairs and saw her parents sitting on the dining table . She hurriedly said " mom dad Taehyung he ------" her words were cut off

" We know that he is innocent" her dad said while staring at nothing " how " she asked

" Cuz he also sent us the video " her mom replied " did he " she asked . They hmm at her question. She thought she is the only one he send that video.

" Dad I wanna go to England and apologize to him "
" You should go there princess, now it's your time to make things normal between you two . We are also regretting saying harsh words to him " her dad said in regret full tone . Y/N's heart clenched after hearing her father's tone . She never ever listen her father's sad tone .

She hugged her dad and said"everything gonna be okay ".     " Wow now you guys forget about me huh " her mom said to make environment little lighter .

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