PART -20

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Author's pov

They both heard a female voice . They both look at each other , Taehyung growled because his session got ruined.
" Tae bear open the door see what I brought for you " they heard that Emma's irritating voice . She thought that Y/N is living in the guest room like her . Because she heard from Mrs Kim that she is gonna live her only till she wants .

She thought Taehyung is alone in his room right now .... So she took advantage and thought to manipulate him against Y/N .

Y/N gritted her teeth in anger and stormed towards door but Taehyung held her hand in between before it touched knob.

" Let her be , when she got tried she will go from here " Taehyung said " let's continue what we left sweetheart" he held her waist and pulled her body towards his well built chest . He nuzzle his head in her neck and left wet kisses there planning to left one more hickey there .

But before  his teeth could touched her neck she pushed him and said " no I can't ignore it , I know with which intention she is here ....let me handle that bitch "

He tried to hold her again to avoid drama . Because he knows nothing will happen to y/n but Emma would be 100% traumatized.

He didn't notice when she opened the door , but should we say fortunately or unfortunately his arms were wrapped around her waist tightly to prevent her from opening the damn door . But when Emma saw them in this position she was  stuck on her place .

She was filled with shock that she saw hickies on her neck given by her so called Tae bear .

" What the hell are you doing in his room and what is on your neck " she said in horror as if she caught Taehyung cheating on her duh!

"Can't you see its called hickey and plus it's our bedroom not his will you help yourself and get lost from here " y/n said . She didn't have a little of shame that she would cover that up .

But she was  flaunting it with with a proud smirk . Taehyung whispered in her ear "that's my girl " and give a kiss on her already made hickey infront of her

Before she could say anything to the couple . Taehyung pulled her backwards and said " leave the trash outside babe let's continue what we left " he slammed the door on her face

He again started kissing her ...she pushed him away from her and said " are you on periods?.....why are you being so horny out of sudden " she outburst at him

She was tensed about the situation but her soon to be husband just want to spend some time with her .

He pouted when he didn't get attention from his love . It's true not always only females wants attention in the relationship. Ofcourse males also have emotions they also want a person to rely on . Here Y/N was also getting the point why he is behaving like that ...... He is clingy to her because he fears that she will leave him after this misunderstanding.

Taehyung was feeling angry on himself not her because he unintentionally disturb her..... make her feel uncomfortable...... gave her stress .

" I'm sorry " he muttered slowly. Y/N heart broke after hearing his vulnerable voice . It was not her tiger whom she met first time .

She hugged him tightly without sharing a word . Just thought of separating from her ... Taehyung's eyes started getting teary not in a second his precious tears started dropping on her shoulder.

He was feeling pathetic right now . The moment she felt her shoulder getting wetter she held his face in her hands and forced his face out of her neck to see his face .

She wiped his tears ..... Taehyung feeled her touch  and closed his eyes . " I'm sorry I shouldn't have reacted that way ... I'm sorry please forgive me " she said while resting her forehead with his

" No it's not your fault I'm sorry .... I just try to lighten up the mood but I think it went wrong " he said slowly

" Don't say like that " she said .... He hold her hand and said " trust me y/nah I don't know anything about that . She left from Korea when I was 13 I guess ... I don't know why she came back ....even if she arrived back then why she is acting like she owns me head is busting out at this moment" he said and held his head in between his hands Y/N give him a massage on his scalp. They both sat down in complete silence but it was not awkward but peaceful.

There peacefully moment got broke by Taehyung's annoying phone ringtone .
Y/N got angry by listening to his phone ringtone. " Why always this fucking phone have to disturb our moment" she said .

" It's your fucking co-wife " she said in anger . Taehyung giggled and said  " do whatever you want but don't say anything about my phone " Y/N looked at him with done expression.

He pick up the call ...his secretary informed him about his meeting.

"let's go downstairs and have dinner then we will think of anything's else ..... We should not take our anger on food " she said . And made him stand on his feet .

" But I don't want to face that Emma " he said .


They both reached downstairs thankfully she is not present there . " I think she is traumatized by your Behaviour"  Y/N whispered slowly in Taehyung's ear and giggled slowly .

Taehyung's heart fluttered by hearing her giggles . Taehyung's mother told them she is not feeling well .

They all talk about random stuffs and whole dinning table was filled with teasing and laughter. 4 of them forget about there matter for sometime. It's important for people to forget about there problems for sometime .. and spend their time with family and friends . We should not always worry about problems everytime ....


   Emma 's POV

I was fuming in anger how dare that bitch snatched my tae bear from me . I'm pretty sure she must did some black magic on him . And how can Tae get engaged with her ....after knowing that I love him so much . I refused aunty because I don't want to face anyone right now . Tears are dripping on the bed . Emma its not time to cry you have to make Tae bear yours and fuck  some senses in his brain . Which he lost nowadays . I thought to myself .

But my inner self replied that you don't have a fucking dick to fuck him .


Author's Pov

Y/N and Taehyung came in their shared bedroom. Tae dropped himself on the bed while covering almost all bed . Y/N poked him and said " I think mister you forgot that you have to share your bed "

Taehyung rolled down to one side without getting up and pulled Y/N down in his arms . He didn't even let her process what happened and hugged her tightly like he is hugging his pillow .

" What are you doing " she pushed him little because she can't breath in his hold .

" I'm hugging my wife " he said and snuggled in her neck . " No I don't wanna sleep like this ... I'm not habitual to it " she stated .

" Don't worry you will get habitual with it by time " he said in his deep voice "but--"   " shh sleep " he said and closed her eyes with his hand .


To Be Continued ~

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