PART - 1

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The blinders are on the glass walls of that classy room . There is a huge beautifully organised table in the middle of the room . He is sitting on the main chair, writing on a file faster . His eyes are focused on the papers but the darkness in them is increasing with every passing moment . He has folded the sleeves of his white shirt , revealing his veiny arms . He clenched his jaw and his breathing become shorter . He grip that pen so hard that it cracked and instantly broke in second . He let out a cold sigh and close his eyes. He rest his head back with the chair and try to calm
himself. He is sitting there wearing a vest over his dress shirt . Looking absolute masterpiece . His tight fists are

resting on chair's arm rest . Someone entered in the room after knocking .

" Tae why are you not attending Mrs. Kim' s call ?" A man with well built figure asked
" ______" He didn't reply " what happen" he asked once again " Namjoon hyung I don't wanna talk right now " he said roughly

Namjoon's phone rang once again he looked at Taehyung and mouthed Mrs.Kim. He sighed and gesture him to pick up the call

" Good Afternoon Mrs Kim " he said after receiving the call " Namjoon is he with you " he eyed him once and said " yes "
" Give him the phone " he sigh and put the phone on speaker " you are on speaker

" Listen to me tae I know you don't like my decision, but what I can do huh , you are gonna be 30 soon you are not married yet nor have someone in your life . See you can't hold your past forever move on from her " she said politely hoping he would agree

" Mom I told you before I don't wanna get marry right now . I don't want to marry a weak or timid girl mom " " but I don't see any problem in it . She is a well mannered girl, little bit shy and sweet too and on top of that she is my best friend' s daughter "

" Seriously mom " " I don't wanna listen to anything just come home then we will talk " she hang up the call

" Arghhhhh" he said while pulling his hair in frustration " why me " Namjoon was trying his level best not to laugh in this situation

" I'm leaving, please take care of the company hyung " he said while wearing his coat and left from there . Namjoon broke into laughter " Seriously this cold CEO can't even win from his mom "


The moment I stepped into my parents mansion someone engulfed me in hug .
" Aww my baby I missed you so much "
" Honey let him come inside first " Dad said to mom

" Yeah , yeah " she released me from hug " I know you won't disrespect me "
I'm just so done with this .

" Go fresh n up then we will have our lunch together " dad said . Then I moved towards my room

Everything was already settled on the dinning table the moment I returned back.

Dad started the conversation " so as you know what me and your mom are thinking about for future son " I listened to him lazily " As parents we never want your bad , so agree to this proposal son " I sighed for 9 th time today " do whatever you want to do Dad I don't really care , do whatever as you please " " when I asked you the same thing you refused me now your dad said you agree in one go " Mom said to me angrily

" Haha after all he is my son " dad said while patting my back " wow , wow what a betrayal, I was the one who carried you for whole 9 months and you" " mom I love you so much " I said while hugging her tightly

" No one loves me here " Dad said with fake sad face. I laughed a little and hug them both together like a family hug

" I'm doing this marriage only for you don't except too much for me " I said in a warning tone " first you get marry then we will see other things later " wow they don't care about my warning

e again started eating our lunch . " We have to go Mr. Lee's house tomorrow, be ready tae " " why dad ?" I asked confusingly " we have to meet your soon to be bride son " mom said in teasing manner . I rolled my eyes on her statement


A women in her mid twenties entered the firm, her aura was dominating and dark . Everyone bow her as she came up in their sight

" Welcome Ms. Lee "assistant welcomed her politely " hmm" " Mam should I bring the case fill now " " yes " she muttered slowly.

She started to review the case quietly. Then her phone ranged " yes mom" " sweetheart listen to me carefully I have arranged your marriage with my best friend's son" " WHAT!!" she yelled


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