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Author's pov

Y/N was doing some paper work but her mind was somewhere else ....she was so disturbed by all of this .....She got know about Taehyung and Emma going to England....she didn't believe that Taehyung left her this easily she was mad , upset .

Jimin got to know about this he is trying his level best to use this situation in his favour. His is trying to talk with Y/N he was manipulating her towards him by saying .....from the start Taehyung is like he just take girls for granted and many more shits he talk about Taehyung...
But Y/N didn't even gave any heed to his talks because she herself was not in condition to see and hear anything clearly and attentively...her focus was diverting every now and then

But in these days she got to know about Jimin every well like how short tempered he is ....if he got angry then for sure the person standing infront will go with broken bones ....he won't see gender before doing anything

Jimin barged in her cabin so loudly that it her out of her own little world ....when she was him she asked angrily " don't you have some manners" no I don't have please teach me some " he said with a smirk and started taking his steps towards her table

" You are so annoying" she said while shaking her head a little bit ." Let's go on dinner Y/N are being so sad from few days " he said

" I don't wanna go anywhere just go went gone from here " she replies dryly
" Really you won't " he asked with a raised eyebrows " hmm" she replied

" Don't worry I will take you forcefully with me ready at 8 pm tomorrow " he said and bop her nose with his finger...." Bye sweetheart miss me alright" he said and left from there ...

She ignored him and started analysing her file and documents on the laptop ...after sometime she stretched her body and let out a sigh

She checked her phone out of habit and saw the same number from which Emma called her ....on the number that user has sent her a message

Actually it's was a photo and that too showing pregnancy test which was showing positive result.... Emma' s face was also showing in that pic with a tongue out

She left a message saying " My and Taehyung' s proof of love.....hope you like it ." With a devil emoji

She was trying to listen her heart that was saying Taehyung is innocent he won't do anything like this ....but this photo was saying something else

" I don't know what to do
To get me back to you
I've got nothing left to lose
I'm sadness , tears and blues

All bridges have been crossed,
I guess our love is lost "

She muttered slowly under her breath . Her life was aimless now as if she forgot to live ..


At night time

Federico got to know about what happen with Y/N how that Kim fucking Taehyung slept with another woman after dreaming their future together he left her

Right now in Federico's eyes Taehyung was the cheapest person on the planet .
He even thought him as a womanizer

Some hours ago he met her and her condition was worst she started having dark circles not because of work but because of someone else . Her face has dried tears ......

In all he never imagined Y/N in this state. But someone said it right that in love people tend to be weak and blind ..
He was not angry on her that she is being all sad all day ...he hate the fact that her eyes are shedding non stop tears for the person who don't deserve it . He got irritated by the fact that she is still trying to defend him after his sin .

After a great hustle he made Y/N sleep and left for the club .... actually from his men he got to know Taehyung is in Shake Shout Spot club popularly known as SSS . This is the famous club of Seoul every actors , singers , businessman/ businesswoman 's first choice

The moment he entered in the club he was invited with a loud music he was feeling like his ears would be gone if he stayed here for a moment.... He always prefer to drink liquor at his home or other peaceful place not there where his head started hurting even before he got drunk

As he was a businessman he got easily entry in the VVIP section of the club ...there were seperate room ....he got to know in which room Taehyung was so he found that room and barged into it without a single thought " KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG COME OUT OF YOUR BURROW ...YOUR DAD IS HERE " he roared loudly everyone was looking at him with a wide eyes ....when Federico scan his eyes in room he found out that Taehyung was not there but different people were present there two of them were Jin and Jungkook ....
Jungkook was full wasted his eyes were barely open but Jin know his tolerance so he stop when he thought that it was going over the limit

Well Federico knows Jin every well that's why Jin marched forward to Federico and asked him" what are you doing here" " I want to see that bastard" he said while gritting his teeth

Before Jin could reply him Jungkook came there with unbalanced steps and a bottle of liquor in his hand " annyegong ....good to see you here ....Jin hyung why you didn't tell that Taehyungie hyung's dad is here " first he said while looking at Federico and at last he looked at Jin .

Without saying anything Federico moved towards Taehyung's figure which is spotted earlier before Jin and Jungkook approached him he was so angry he took his steps towards but what he saw he was in shock

Federico thought Taehyung would be with some slut in the club but I'm reality his head was dropped on the table and liquor bottles around his head it was more than 4 bottles

The Taehyung' he knows didn't ever touched liquor in that way but even if he did he always make sure he drink according to his tolerance he always made sure that he won't be overly drunk but right now he was fully wasted

Taehyung pulled his head up and saw Federico standing infront of his table he motioned him to sit on the seat infront of him ... Federico sat down without any thoughts ... Taehyung let out a drunk laugh and said " you are also here to witness my destruction" and he passed a glass to Federico

First he hesitate for a moment then Taehyung said " welcome in my grieves"
Without any second thought Federico drank that Because he was also sad that his gf left him for another man

They both started talking about their girls ...they both were super sad ...whoever witness them had sympathy for them because they were looking so broke (not in money sense )

After some time Federico literally passed out after drinking so much liquor when Jin saw that he thought to drop Federico at his home because it was almost 4Am .
Bar was about to close in 20 minutes

He thought to drop Federico home but he also can't leave his two drunkard best friends alone he instructed Jungkook " don't let Taehyung to go anywhere he is heavenly drunk and it's applicable to you also you get me " he said in strict tone because he care for them as brother

In return Jungkook saluted Jin and said " Yes boss"

After they both left Taehyung rose from his seat and started going outside but Jungkook held his arm and said " no no no you can't go " he said while shaking his head multiple times . Taehyung jerked his arm from Jungkook because he was drunk his grip was not that strong

" No one is born in this world to stop me from doing what I want " Taehyung said
" No hyung you are drunk you should not drive it's dangerous for you and people on the road too " Jungkook said

He stared at his face for meantime while Taehyung was busy in staring his face he called Taehyung's driver to pick him up from the bar ...


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To Be Continued ~

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