PART - 29

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Author's pov

Taehyung's hair was messy , he had little bit dark circles as if he was not sleeping properly from past few days . His eyes were red . He got shocked seeing her infront of him that too after so many days that to with her own will . He rubbed his eyes because he could not believe that she is infront of him .

He opened his eyes once again and started blinking. Y/N giggled at his reaction. But a gasp left her mouth when Taehyung pulled her in his warm embrace. She smiled feeling his warmth and heartbeat after so long . She closed her eyes and hugged him back .

She rested her head on his chest just where his heart is located....she was clearly hearing his rapid heartbeat . Each second his grip got tighter and tighter around her as if he was trying to dissolve her inside him . If he was trying to hide her from outside world . He was on cloud nine .

She tapped on his shoulder and mumbled slowly " babe leave me ,I can't breath "

" Oh I'm sorry " he said after coming in sense his let go her from hug but still kept his hand on her waist protectively. He pulled her towards him once again . Her big covered boobs were touching his hard well built chest . She blushed lightly. Taehyung also got to know reason about her blushing so he chuckled lightly.

She realised that she didn't ask for forgiveness after all this was the main purpose of her visit . She looked into his eyes and said " Tae I'm sorry , I ----" he cut off her with a kiss .

He backed a little bit still his lips on her , he mumbled on her lips " forget about it , lemme feel you right now " he said in a sensual way and Y/N started feeling different sensations down there . He pulled her in kiss once again , but this time with little force . His hands were roaming on her back and waist, her hands locked behind his nape . She pulled him closer with his nape . His one hand travelled to her hair and slide off the scrunchie from her hair which let to fall down of her hairs .

He held her hair in a fist a pulled backward lightly. She gasp at the sudden movement. He took the chance and slide his tongue in her mouth . He explored each and every corner of her mouth . She tried to use her tongue too but in Between Taehyung caught her tongue and started sucking it with his lips . Saliva was slightly coming out from their side of lips . After a minute they pulled out from a steamy kiss.

Y/N's face was full red , her chest was going up and down rapidly because of breathing. Taehyung chuckled at her reaction and said softly " if you can't bare a single kiss then how you gonna bear me on bed darling" he kissed her forehead lovingly.

Y/N slapped his bicep lightly and she pulled out from his embrace lightly
" Won't you invite inside " she said with a teasing smile . " I'm sorry love , come " he said and get a side for her . She was about to pull her luggage with her inside but before that Taehyung held her hand in middle and said " you go , I will carry it inside" she nodded her head and walked inside . 

She settled down on the couch and started observing the interior, it was with the combination of Black and golden giving perfect example of his mysterious personality. He observed her eyeing the room so he asked " do you like it "

" It's beautiful" she replied. He nodded his head at her remark. " Are you hungry should I make sandwiches for you " he asked . " Yes please!" She replied

He got in his open kitchen , kitchen was fully noticeable from the living room . She was seeing every moment of Taehyung. From when he took out veggies to took out griller from the top shelf. He rolled his sleeves and started cutting veggies before washing them with water . On the other hand he was preparing to make coffee.

He was feeling so hot while working in kitchen he thought to remove his t- shirt . He started placing veggies on the bread with some Mayo and other sauces .

( Imagine something like this 😉)

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( Imagine something like this 😉)

Y/N was gawking at him . Taehyung's full attention was on preparing dishes . He felt continuous stares at him . He smirk lightly to himself knowing very well who that person is . Without looking up he said " take a picture it will last longer "

Y/N panicked at first and then compose her herself and said " I was not looking at you "    " sure " still his smirk didn't left his face .

Y/N was so embarassed, she started scolding herself for this mentally .

After some minutes he brought tea for himself and coffee , sandwiches for her . He was still shirtless , some a sweat beads were on his chest making him look so hot.

He placed the food on the table and gestured her to come and eat . She settled down comfortably, tae sat beside her . He kept his elbow on the table and rested his face on his hand . He started observing her reaction.

She look at him and raised an eyebrow
" Eat " he simply said . She took that sandwich in her hand and once again look at him with a side eye . She was clearly seeing desperation on his face , he wanted to know how it taste . So she quit teasing him and bit a bite .

Taehyung's lips parted unconsciously and his eyes expand lightly. " How's it " he asked

" Umm...hmm it's eatable" she replied without any expression and while  casually eating it . He raised his eyebrow at her and then he nod his head to himself only " okay so you didn't  like it "
" Hmm"

He took the plate from her and started eating it . Y/N mouth hang up after seeing his actions . Honestly it was yummylicious . She tried to take the plate from him cuz she was ravenous so she tried to snatch from him but he caught her hand in middle and said " Na na  na babe you don't like it , how can I let you eat hmm" he took another bite .

Her lips wobble looking like she would cry any moment. Taehyung eyes widen seeing it. In Swift motion he pick up her from the chair and settled down on his lap . He placed the sandwich infront of her lip and said " I'm sorry baby I was just teasing you"  . She turned around her face from the sandwich. He knows clearly that she was throwing tantrum

So he said " if you don't wanna eat then I'm gonna eat it " sandwich was about to touch his lips but before that Y/N held his hand and turned it towards her mouth , she hurriedly took a bite from it . Taehyung chuckled at her actions he said while patting her hairs lightly " I'm not gonna snatch it from you babe , eat slowly"

He again feed her a bite like this he made her eat sandwich and made her drink coffee.


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To be continued ~

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