PART- 27

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Author's Pov

After attending Jeweler she came back in her room with a thumping heart . She closed the door and slide down slowly, she opened her fist and saw necklace once again which was lightly shiny . Obviously what can you expect from a fallen stone . She controlled her heart and breath , stood up with the help of table nearby . She took her steps towards her dressing room drawer and kept the necklace there .As if she was burying her feelings with that precious necklace.

All day she was running here and there , doing works so that she can avoid all the thoughts regarding HIM.

In night time , Y/N step down from her room and saw Jimin sitting on the couch her parents was surrounding him
" Ohh sweetheart see your friend is here to meet you" her mother said

Y/N crunched her face at her remark , Forcefully she made her steps towards them . JIMIN' face light up after seeing her . " Come here princess " her dad said

She sat down with them . Jimin winked at her . " We heard you both had plan to go outside " her mom said " no mom we don't " she replied with a Stoic face. Her parents furrowed at her remark.

Jimin tried to control the situation in his favour, he said with a sad face " I know Y/N ah you are still not over HIM but you can't let him ruin your ahead life right ? " He pressured the word Him so that her parents attention go towards his only one specific word not on his intentions behind this sentence. But Y/N know it very well

After all she know how manipulators and manipulation works . Even her parents are from Business background where no one is your relative there . But here they get fooled by JIMIN' innocent face and good boy behaviour.

" I think he is right , you should go with him ....for how many days you will continue like this " her dad said firmly , she tried to argue with her parents but she got defeated by them .

She got ready to go outside with Jimin ,

She got ready to go outside with Jimin ,

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They arrived at CHIC PINNACLE , they sat on the reserved table and order their food . After some time there good arrived. " Why are you not eating" she said " I'm already full " he replied back . He placed his face on his own palm and started eyeing her while eating. After some minutes , she was done with his behaviour so she gave a excuse for going to restroom

But to her surprise Jimin also started following her " where are you going " she said " I'm coming with you , I can't let you go alone " he said while shrugging his shoulder as if this was normal for him .

Y/N fastened her speed , but unfortunately there was only one girl restroom and that too was occupied, jimin saw this and grabbed her arm and pushed her in men's restroom" what the hell is wrong with you " she yelled

" Obviously it was emergency, and if you didn't empty you bladder on time you can get stone too , see I'm so caring" he replied. " You are unbelievable" she said while shaking her head .

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