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They reached University

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They reached University . Y/N hooked her forearm with his arm . They started walking inside giving vibes of powerful and elegant couple .

Principal, headgirl and headboy were standing at the entrance for their welcome . The head student gave Taehyung a bouquet with a smile he took that and gave it to his lovely financé with a sweet smile.

They greet them and escort them to auditorium.. whole University was decorated with flowers . They sat on the front seats . Principal started with his boring speech . " Uff I have to hear this bald head for 15 mins now " Taehyung whispered but Y/N heard him and giggled

" Don't laugh , it's a serious matter " he said with a serious face . By seeing his face y/n pressed her lips in thin line .


Meanwhile :-

A figure came out of a shiny black rolls royce . His buttoned his buttons of perfectly fit tuxedo , fixed his shades and walked towards University.

" Good morning sir " vice principal greeted him . He nodded . " Sir this way" he guided that person towards auditorium. He was invited at the function but not as chief guest . But still he was respected as them . They were walking in corridor. He got a call from his COO  Jin " yes hyung ?" " Jimin we got a problem here !"

He gestured vice principal to go ahead
" Jimin your step mom is planning something big " " that bitch " he muttered under his breath .

" Don't worry I'll come there in 2 hrs i guess " he said . Jimin disconnected the call the started moving towards auditorium. It was not difficult to search for auditoriums because he graduated from the same University.

He was known as the bad boy and heartthrob of the university. Interesting facts he is still known as that personality because professors and students everyone used to scared of him .

He moved forward and heared a fainted screams form the classroom. 'Who is in the classroom when whole University is in auditorium. Wait is anyone doing 'it'at this time ' he thought.

He decided to follow that scream as he heard it again , just to make sure that everything is right . But when he got there he got super angry because Ryujin was getting beaten up by Aera and her minions to be exact was getting bullied by her .

Yes Aera and Ryujin study  in the same University. " What is happening here" jimin said in rage . He saw Aera holding Ryujin's hair tightly and her clothes were drenched in water .

" Jimin" Aera muttered slowly in horror as if she saw a devil infront of her . He marched towards them and harshly yanked her hand from her hairs .

" Jimin it's not what you are thinking" she said in horror. He slapped Aera so hard that she fall on the ground " both sisters are bitchs "

This is why whole University was scared of him because if he is angry he won't see gender before doing anything.

Meanwhile ~

Y/N 's POV

After that old bald 's speech , there was delay in the performances because of some technical issue so principal tried to control the situation by taking them out for a university round as he's university already got little bit ruined.

" Sir ma'am here is our buisness department" he said . He was talking continuously with a formality laugh . It's so annoying, plus in these heels and dress he is making me walk in whole fucking campus

Taehyung looked at face as if he sensed my uncomfortableness. " What happen?" " This old bald is so annoying. He is making us walk from past 20 mins for god's sake ...if he didn't stop right here I'm gonna take legal actions against him " I said in speed , listening to me Taehyung started laughing cuz of the way I said

" Don't worry baby ..if you want I can carry you in my arms " he said " no you will get tried and it will be so awkward infront of so many people " she whispered back

" Why I built this muscles for ....and talking about of being awkward ... nothing will happen because you are my wife " he whispered back

I slapped his back slowly as he was making me too much flustered by his talks .

We were walking but we heard some noises as if someone was getting hearing these noises principal also understood what was happening

He gave us his stupid smile while we raised our eyebrows. We moved towards there " hahah it happens ... Students must be playing " we ignored him .

The moment we got there we saw Jimin slapped a girl so hard that she falled on the ground with a thud

We stood there in shock to be honest only me and principal 's partners were shocked by this behaviour. By looking at their expressions it was like it is normal for Taehyung and Principal

Jimin noticed us standing there but there was no regret no his face . He saw us and held girl's hand and left from there


On the way back home


We were heading back at his home ... I always thought Jimin was a good guy but my perception towards him changed today

He parked the car outside the mansion . I'm gonna stay here for week or two because mom and dad was out of town and mama( insisted me to stay at there rather than staying alone at my mansion.

The moment we got inside the mansion someone engulfed Tae in hug . He was stunned as me . " Taehyung I missed you so much "  girl said

" Emma ?" He said back and lightly patted her shoulder because she was wearing a backless top

" Im back Taehyung now we can  marry" she said while backing of from hug


Hi guys . I have started started writing a new book please check it out . Named :-

Underworld Obsession: A Tale Of Love Across The Borders

Underworld Obsession: A Tale Of Love Across The Borders

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It's a Indian girl ff with mafia , obsession genre

Drop vote and comment pls motivates me to write stories ahead

To Be Continued ~

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