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" Then why do you behave like this " I asked him

" Why are you so interested, I think you started falling for me " he said while wriggling his eyebrows

" No it's not like that, I'm just curious " I stated to defend myself " ooh I see"

" She is a daughter of Yun Woojin " he said " you mean that famous business man of Korea right ?" " Yes , he was a my dad's business partner. I was 14 at that time , they stated jokingly that me and song-hee should marry each other in future just to continue and maintain the business" " then why our parents made us together"

" Because it's was just a joke which was started by Mr.Yun this was never serious"

" Ohh I see , then why Song-hee is so desperate?" " She just like to get attention, she is like that only from the start , I suggest stay away from here ...she loves to create problems for others "

I raised my eyebrow at his statement
" you want to say that I should hide from her because I'm scared "


This is the second time in the day I'm regretting after saying this types of words . Now I learned one thing, I have to be always careful with words around her

" I'm not saying that you have hide or you are scared I know you are strong and rebellious woman " she flipped her hairs

Someone said right that ' women are hard to understand, women are never easy going '

" Kids your order " old granny said . Thank God she saved me

" Thanks " we both said in unison

We both start drinking and have some random conversation. I think we started to have that sense of understanding between us....where she is not being aggressive nor me with each other



" Hello Mr Park " I said extending my hand for handshake " hello ms Lee it's nice meeting you " he replied

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" Hello Mr Park " I said extending my hand for handshake " hello ms Lee it's nice meeting you " he replied

" Please have a seat " he said while gesturing me to sit

" Should we start " I asked him " yeah sure " " I have made will papers if you want you can read them before signing "

He nodded. After 10 minutes he smiled at me and signed the papers . " Thank you so much ms Lee for preparing papers in such a short notice " " no problem, I would like to take my leave now " we both stand up and shaked hand once again and he escort me to the gate


On Engagement Day :-


Today is my engagement. Me and Taehyung are now on good terms . We both started to fall for each other but not completely because being a lawyer I still have a doubt on taehyung and song-hee

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