PART - 34

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I was arguing with my so called step mom . We were into our own fight suddenly an advocate step forward in our fight  accompanying Her brother . Her brother was giving me a disgusting smirk ..... I really want punch him right here , right now .

These siblings eyes are on my father's property since  day one  . The day she seduced my dad , her brother was also with her . To my surprise he was not stopping her but  encouraging her to go and seduce my father.  But my father fell in love with this bitch and had a son with her which was the biggest mistake.

It was even biggest than marrying that bitch . My life ruined since the day she step in our mansion threshold. " By seeing your behaviour and all we will pretty easily win " her brother said with a smirk. He added " Right Mr Kang ?"

The advocate step forward and nodded his head in the agreement. I gritted my teeth on anger . " You are just stigma to our company nothing else . My husband's business gonna ruin in your hands Jimin " this bitch also started taunting me now . While wiping her crocodile tears .

During our heated conversation doctor stepped in while removing his mask from his face . " I wanna talk about Mr. Park's health condition with you Ms. " He said .

I was about to follow them inside them inside but Mr . Cha my dad's PA who was hired when I was 6 from then he knows me and my family .....

" Jimin , I consider you as my son since day one . I know you are stuck in this massive problem.  " He said while I sigh sadly don't know what to do. 

" The only solution is you go and ask for the help from YUN 's they are the major shareholder in our company of you get their support I think things can be resolved to a certain level. " He said while patting my shoulder lightly as a father. 

He continued " forget your beefs with Yun's daughter for a instance. It will beneficial to us especially you . Consider my advice please" and left from there .

Yun's daughter means Song-hee I have to go to that bitch 's house asking for a help .  I was so stressed with all this matter that I couldn't able to think any other way than asking help from Mr. Yun . And I'm asking help from YUN not his daughter right ?  . I made myself understand and drove my car towards thier mansion in a hope. 

Yun's s company was almost bankrupt. They were hollow from inside but still show themselves as if they are world's
Biggest buisness family . They were just left with their mansion . They were not able to pay back loans to the banks . I just hate it so much but still for the sake of my company I'm doing this .

I parked my car outside their mansion and step out of the car . Their guard recognised me in a second or less . He immediately opened the doors for me .
I rang the bells twice and a middle aged woman probably maid opened the door with a bow . I ignored her and came inside .

She went to call Mr.Yun who was sleeping in his room . After 10 minutes he came down with a silk robe tied with his body and a cigar in his left hand . Behind him that Song-hee bitch was also coming like a heroine. I scoffed seeing her .

Mr. YUN took his place on the couch infront of me with song-hee beside him . He took out cigar from his mouth and blew a smoke out . " Is everything alright Jimin you came here in middle of night " Mr. YUN asked me while taking a puff .

" I'm here for a favour uncle " I addressed him ignoring his daughter who was sitting beside him  while crossing her legs which showed most of her skin .

He nodded his head signalling me to continue " Dad 's health is not good and due to some internal issues....most of the influential people from company wanna remove me from this position. Only your name came in my mind . "

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