PART -- 5

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As per my parents order , I reached home by 7:30 . " I know princess your inner soul is impatient to meet your soon to be husband , am I right" I just scowled in response" what's with that expression huh I know because I'm your mother, now go get ready shu shu "

I just walked away from there without wasting a single second

Seriously I can't understand, it's getting hard to control now , so what if he is handsome and have a little bit dominating personality-- wait why the fuck are you thinking about him y/nah what's wrong with you . I scolded myself. Seriously I'm going crazy because of this person

This is my OOTD--

( Imagine makeup as you want , I'm not good at makeup and stuff)

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( Imagine makeup as you want , I'm not good at makeup and stuff)

Wow I'm on time . Let's scroll Instagram in the meantime . Someone knocked on my door " yes ?"

" Ma'am Mrs lee is calling you downstairs" maid said to me. " Hmm"

I walked down the stairs just to witness my mom is talking to that jerk happily . Seriously !

" See y/nah my handsome son in law is here to pick you up " " mom we are not even engaged yet " " oh yes talking of engagement, taehyung son some other day you both go for engagement party' s shopping " " seriously mom engagement too " " yes , why not ....are you comfortable with this son " " I have no problem mrs .Lee " " mom call me mom"
" As you say"

" Shall we Y/N " " hmm"

He is looking handsome no doubt, control yourself y/nah don't forget your motive so easily I prepare my mind . OO we are twinning.

 OO we are twinning

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I saw her coming downstairs looking elegant and classy as always. The way she walks and talks holds a powerful aura around her . As much I know she is not what I imagined her , she is different my type . No doubt mom' choice is not that bad . The thing I like about her is she don't wear too much revealing outfit

I was about to open the car door for her , but she put her hand first and by mistake I put my hand on top of hers . She jerked away her hand

" What are you trying to do " " I was about to open door for you " " why , did I told you ?" " My mom have taught me manners and etiquettes. How to treat people and many more " " oo I see then my mom also taught me be independent, not to rely on someone "

We both stare at each other's eyes in a deadly manner . After 10 minutes of staring competition. I finally said

" Why don't you sit inside quietly, without showing your stubbornness for once " " and I want to open the door myself .........wait I have an idea " "speak"
"why don't we decide through stone , paper , scissors " I looked at her with done face

" Seriously, you are top lawyer in the country and giving this useless advice , who even made you one " " don't you dare to speak a word about my profession, cuss me but not my profession got it " she said while holding my collars . " Fine" I jerked her hands away .

After playing for 2 minutes I finally won ." Haha you can't even win this " I said ." Shut up"

Finally after wasting 20 minutes we both drove away


" What would you like to have " taehyung asked her " umm I guess ( your favourite dish and beverage) will work " " Alright" he gave his own order too

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" What would you like to have " taehyung asked her " umm I guess ( your favourite dish and beverage) will work "
" Alright" he gave his own order too

There was a unpleasant silence between two so Y/N decided to break it .

" Actually I want to keep our marriage secret" he raised his eye brows " why "
" don't get me wrong but I think we should have our marriage and engagement in private, no involvement of media " " why ?"

" I always keeps my background hidden in my profession, no one knows who are my parents, house and more personal stuff for their own protection " she continued" I don't like to mix my professional life with personal life, I hope you understand my perspective. "

" I respect your decision but what if I have a business party in future?" He asked " if my presence is not that much important, then I will skip it but where you feel it's important I am ready to accompany you " " hmm"

"Sir your order" he left after placing our food

" Tell me why did you choose this profession, don't get me wrong ...I mean to say your family profession is business then why didn't you opt for it " he asked

" Because ___


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