PART - 15

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Author's Pov

Today Y/N is getting discharged from the hospital..... Mr and Mrs lee have some work so they asked Taehyung to pick her up from the hospital..........

" Mr. Kim just sign here and then you take her with you " a nurse said to him
" What about bills ?" He asked her " it's already clear you just have to sign here "

He signed in that form and met Doctor one last time before going back home ..
" She is alright .... perhaps she will have problem in walking at first , then it will gradually become less ... So no need to worry here is the medical gel you have to apply on her foot and gently massage it "

" Thank you doctor " he left from there ....." Are you ready love " he asked her as she is applying lipstick from last 10 minutes. " Weren't you wearing red lipstick before ?" " No it doesn't look nice with this dress " she is applying nude lipstick now ....

He was sitting beside watching her with love eyes . " Look how am I looking" " you are looking like a goddess"

" Wow " " shall we go now " he said while collecting her stuffs from table and her tablets. " Yes "

They both came out of the hospital while holding hands . In other hand he was holding her stuff . " Hello Y/N " Jimin said " he came infront of them while his hands were in pocket " what are you doing here " Taehyung said angrily

" I just came here to ask about her health" he point out at her " you saw her ...right now get lost " he said rudely
" Why your daddy owns this place huh" jimin said to Taehyung

" Well yes this hospital is funded by Vante industries so it's technically ours "

They were standing on the road little far away from hospital's main entrance" well I don't think Kim uncle owns this road too " he said while pointing at the road . Taehyung clenched his jaw in anger and held her hand and start dragging her towards car

He made her sit in the car and was about to sit inside before that jimin got in backseat . He said while sitting inside.

" What the hell are you doing in my car " Taehyung said in irritation because he was irritated by his behaviour now he thought to spend some quality time with his love but this person was being barrier in between

" I am sitting...can't you see blind man " y/n laughed at his words , Taehyung feel humiliated " start the car "jimin said while doing manspread

" Why are you sitting here go in your car" Taehyung said " no I wanna come with you guys only " " you - " y/n cut off Taehyung's words and said " let him come with us what's wrong in it " " but love he wil-" " I don't wanna listen to anything just drive the car " jimin laughed at her words

Taehyung clenched his jaw and start the car ...for 2 minutes he was driving in full speed but suddenly he press the power break of the Porsche . Jimin' s jerked forward and his head got bumped with Taehyung 's headrest " what the hell can't you drive nicely" he said while rubbing his nose

" If you have problem then get out of my car " he said .... Taehyung and y/n was safe because they both were wearing belts so it didn't effect them as much as it effect poor jiminie



I came inside my mansion . Ohh no bitch is also here ..." Where were you jimin always roaming around the city do you even know how to fulfill some responsibilities you are not a kid now "
She said " first of all who are you " " I'm your dad 's wife " " no you are not his wife you are gold digger who is staying here because of his money and I don't like to take advice from bitch like you"

" PARK JIMIN" his father roared as he was coming inside the living room he heard him saying and unfortunately he can't hear what his so called said to his son

" Is this way of talking to your mother "
" She is not my mother and don't even try to make her my mother she is a bitc-"

His words got cut in between because his father slapped him ....his face turned to left side .

" Don't you dare to say names to her " his father said angrily

Jimin left from there angrily while murmuring all women are same every single lady on this planet are fucking gold diggers

" How many times I told you not to take stress " she said while massaging his forearm lightly

" What did you say to him " he asked his wife " I didn't -" " don't lie I know my son is rebellious but he doesn't misbehave like this randomly " " fine...I just said to him to take business seriously our company seriously....he can't roam around like this forever right " she said sweetly

" You know just give this company and buisness to Minjun ...he will handle it with care not like jimin "


Hey everyone how are you all . I hope you like this chapter .... Well today is my birthday being an introvert I don't have that much friends but somewhere I feel lonely at my  institution and other places too . I want my Wattpad family to wish me and bless me .

Thank you for supporting me . I love you all ❤️🫂

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