PART -17

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Author 's POV

They both went in y/n's bedroom he made her lie down on the bed . And placed a gentle kiss on her forehead ... But y/n's mind was having some mischievous thoughts...she grabbed his tie and pull him towards her in fraction of seconds.... A gasp left from his mouth

" What are you doing?" He asked " trying to be innocent baby boy" she asked with a seductive smile . He blushed and looks down " you know love whenever you try to be dominant......ummmm I always feels butterflies in my stomach" he said

Y/N who was looking at him with a seductive smile got changed into a worried one immediately after listening to her "why you didn't tell me beforehand "

Taehyung got confused after seeing her worried expression. She hold her arm and got up from the bed ." Wait lemme put my slippers on " she said

" But what happen baby " he asked her
" We have to treat it before it got more " she said and started dragging him towards backyard

" Now take deep breaths in the backyard and start walking with me while enjoying nature " she said while smiling
" But why we have to do this you are not well need rest my love " he said

" But right now your health is more important for me " she replied" but what happen to me ?"

" My babybear you only said that you always feels butterflies in your stomach right " he nodded" that means you have stress and best way to prevent stress is mediation and talking walk in nature "

" But I don't hav-" he got cut off in between" don't try to fool me I know you are trying to hide things from me. ... I have read in a article if you feel butterflies that means you have stress "

" Are you done huh" he asked her ...she nodded her head

" So listen to me my intelligent wifey I don't have stress ...I said that in a romantic way and you literally ruined our moment " he sulked like a baby

" I'm so sorry baby " she hugged him tightly.... After few minutes she pulled out and said  " if human feels butterflies in their stomach when they are in love that means butterflies would also feel human inside them " he looked at her with done expression

He patted her head and said " love you need to sleep "



This people can't even do a work proper they just need money but won't came up in use . I am so frustrated from a week now could she survive. But no problem God can be one time on her side but not always . I smirked

I entered in my mansion and saw my dad and younger sister sitting their .
Yun Woojin said " Song-hee you have to trap Kim Taehyung or Park Jimin in your love ...before it's too late " " I know dad...I also know one thing that Jimin won't gonna love me but Taehyung would do "

" But song -hee he is already engaged.. you should not focus on him now " her younger sister Aera said " don't need to teach me Aera just do work college work I know how to handle my stuffs "

' I think I have to call her here ....if Taehyung can't be mine I won't let her to be anyone else too ... Especially that cheap girl ' I thought and smirked



After making my love asleep I came to my office . My secretary David came in in the room after knocking " Sir you have to attend a event at BANGTAN UNIVERSITY as a chief guest" he said " what type of event " I said while typing on my keyboard

" It's is a cultural event and you have to attend it with " he said . Namjoon Hyung was sitting on the couch as he is the COO of the company

He said " why would aunty attend this event " " not boss 's mother but his wife " my secretary said

" Ooo I see you can go now  " he said to David he bowed and left from there

" Will you go Tae ?" " Obviously I will ... I know Y/N don't want me to appear with her in public ... But I don't think so a small event would bring any threat.... So I'm going "  Hyung nodded his head


Event Day

Y/N is alright now ..I was tensed about her health only but by god's grace she is alright .

" Tae ?" She called me " yes love ?" " Tell me how am I looking " " breathtaking "
She blushed at my comment

" Tae ?" She called me " yes love ?" " Tell me how am I looking " " breathtaking " She blushed at my comment

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(Ignore flowers and bicycle)

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(Ignore flowers and bicycle)

" Shall we go now " I asked while wearing my blazer .. I held her hand softly and started walking towards car

 I held her hand softly and started walking towards car

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We both got infront of car door . We both looked at each other . Suddenly Y/N kissed my cheek and got into car in flash's speed .

" Hahaha I won" she said while laughing
" Don't worry next time I'm gonna open the door and won't fall in your tactics"

" After settling down Y/N checked her makeup in the mirror while I was buckling my seatbelt " let's go " we both said and busted in laughter after that

'Please God make everything right ...I don't know why I'm feeling something wrong is gonna happen ' Y/N thought


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I was thinking about starting a new story what's your thoughts on it ...tell me in the comments


To Be Continued ~

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