PART -21

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Y/n and Taehyung woke up from there Beauty sleep ..first thing Taehyung did was to tease her early morning because her cheeks were red due to closeness. So how can Almighty Kim Taehyung can leave a chance of teasing  ......

Taehyung came out of the bathroom in towel . His towel was tied so loose as if little hard movement and it won't take a minute to fall down . Y/n was standing infront of mirror doing her daily makeup . She made a eye contact with him through mirror ..... She didn't know when her gaze went towards his abs and lower part. His upper body still had tiny droplets of water.

" Like what you see " he teased her . She moved her gaze from him and said " I've seen way more sexy and bluff body than this" and shifted her focus back on makeup as she had to go law firm.

" Oh really so my wife had seen way more better than this huh?" He repeated her words with hint of possessiveness and jealousy " hmm" she replied

" I think you haven't seen clearly yet wifey" he said in low dark husky voice . She shivered lightly hearing his voice. It was like Satan himself was speaking. But she remained composed and thought to take revenge of teasing he did till now

He moved towards her and stand behind her and encircled his arms around her waist and pull her towards him . His dick was poking her lower waist

Her eyes widen feeling his dick on her back, Taehyung smirked at her expressions he knows what he was doing.

" What happen baby got your tongue love?" He whispered in her left ear. She elbow him and said " stop it tae go get ready " . " Hmm" he said in her ear. He moved his hand inside her top and trailed her skin under the top with his fingertips.

Her breath hitched after feeling his touches" t-tae" she stammered under her breath . He is still in his towel .

There door open with loud noise a maid came in ...with a loud noise she pushed him hardly and his towel fall down from his waist ...both Taehyung and Maid screamed on top of there lungs . Y/N 'S eyes widen because of scream

" So-sorry sir " maid said in hurry and ran away from there after closing door .. Taehyung is still screaming....Y/N is unaware of things happening behind her back .

The moment she turned around she screamed top of her lungs and fall on the ground with a thud and covered her eyes . Taehyung was covering his ding dong

Fortunately Y/N was infront of Taehyung so maid  didn't saw his ding dong i mean his dick hehe . She just saw towel dropping in his feet .

" What the hell cover cover yourself " she said .

After some time ~

They both got ready but still there was awkward tension between them



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