PART -30

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Author's Pov

Both Taehyung and Y/N's misunderstanding is clear now . They both are in England right now , staying at Taehyung's apartment, he convinced her to stay with him not at any hotel .

His exact words were " why you have to live uncomfortably when you have me here "

That night they both slept peacefully in each other's arms .

Taehyung was making breakfast right now , he felt two arms wrapped around his torso and a head on his back . He knew who it was " Good morning love " he said .

Sleepy Y/N just hmm at his words , " my sleepyhead wake up "      " I'm not a sleepyhead"

He continued making breakfast while YN was sleeping in that position only . He held the plates and started going towards dinning table . Still YN was sticking to him like a Koala. " Such a stubborn baby" he said while shaking his head a little.

He turned around and hold sleepy YN in his arms . He picked her up from her ass , her arms are wrapped around his neck and head is placed in crook of his neck , legs wrapped around his torso just like a toddler

He took her in bathroom and made her sit on the counter. She opened her eyes a little and said " why are you bothering me , let's sleep na " and again throw her head on his chest " it's not time to sleep love , it's already 11 in morning we have had our breakfast" he said

" Why are you talking like my mom " she sulked , he laughed and peck her nose .
He held her toothbrush and applied some paste on it . " Show me your teeth " he said

She was sleepy so without any thought she did what he asked for . But closed her mouth immediately and back off when she felt some sour taste mixed in saliva

" Eww , what's this " she is full awake now " it's called Toothpaste " he said

" I know it's Toothpaste but it's flavour is so eww " she said.  " But I use it quite often " he said with a confused face

" But I like sweet sweet toothpaste " she said " alright my spoiled princess " he replied and bop her nose with his index finger .

After some time ~

They both got ready separately and came down for breakfast. Yn held the spoon and has three four bites then started looking at plate with uninterested face

Taehyung who was eating his breakfast peacefully saw this and asked her " isn't it good ?"

He made her sit on his lap and started caressing her cheeks " umm I wanna eat something else not Korean food " she said

" Oh I see , so what you wanna have ? " He asked
" I wanna have Thai food , Indian food , Japanese, American, french, Spanish everything but not Korean food " she replied

" Is it so ?" He raised his eyebrow" yes , let's go na !"

They both got ready to explore different cuisine cuz Taehyung's spoiled brat was craving for it . They both went to a Tibetan restaurant to have their brunch .

They ordered Thukpa , dumplings and many more .

" So where you wanna go now ? " He asked while wiping his mouth with a tissue paper .

" Ummm , let's go to mall " she replied
" Sure my love " he said and kissed her cheek gently with love and affection

After some time ~

Yn and Taehyung were on the way to the mall but in between they fought cuz of a silly thing . Taehyung didn't ask for apology cuz always it's only him who do it .

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