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" Because in past my mother faced alot due to her first marriage, so that's why I thought to become lawyer so that help other people who faced this issue "

" What kind of issue ?" " Sorry I'm not comfortable to share it with you right now " " ok "


                 SOMEWHERE IN USA


Girl in her late 20. 's was sitting in her vanity van , getting ready for a modelling project . She has a captivating aura. Her face show innocence but in reality only few people know her real face behind the mask .

" Song-hee your shoot is ready " her assistant called her " yeah coming"

" What about our tickets to Korea " " don't worry ma'am all formalities are done , we just have to board around 9 pm "

After 4 months I'm gonna back to my home town . I'm so excited for it , who' s not .


You must be wondering who am I right ?
I'm a model and actress who is currently in USA for shoot purposes.

" I'm coming and this time I will make you mine " I smirked




Taehyung is currently sitting in jungkook 's house with jungkook (obviously), J-Hope and Jin

" So you are saying now you have to do engagement too" jungkook laughed at him " shut up jungkook, listen to me tae marriage is a beautiful life journey in which you both will walk together hand in hand , if one is wrong other is there to make them realise about it -" Jin's words get cut off by j-hope " but technically tae will be always wrong because ladies are always right " he laughed so hard , even jk joined him .

" Yaa punk it's waste of time to teach you , no one values my words... you should not cut me off in middle as I'm older than you how dare you " he started his rap

" Yes you are old Jin hyung " jk said while showing his bunny teeth

" You--" taehyung cut off Jin in middle
" please you guys are here to solve my problems not to create problems for god's sake . " How dare you cut me off again

Hobi is enjoying whole show while laughing." Such a entertainment show they give , I bet if they perform it officially they are gonna be rich rich " he mumbled to himself

" Guys now time for some important discussions " hobi said " finally someone addressed my problem too " tae said
" No , it's more important song-hee is back to town " " WHAT!! " they scream in unison except hobi

" I think now she will plan something big against us specially you tae " Jin said they all nodded in response

" What if she met Y/N? " Jk asked " it's going to be so hard for y/n " Jin said while piting on her " hyung according to my calculations it's song-hee who is gonna be in huge trouble if she mess with her " tae said

" really ,  your wife have this much guts that she can shut up song-hee in seconds" hobi asked

" First of all she is not my wife yet and second of all she is a lawyer , so what do you expect to her be , a naive , sweet girl ? "Taehyung said

" But aunty said that , she is so sweet , innocent girl look likes she don't have tongue " jk said

" She don't prefer to talk much ... It's her nature but she is a lioness who can  gulp any person in seconds " tae said

" Guys see he knows so much about her .... perhaps you started liking her" jin said with a teasing smile


Today they both have to go for engagement shopping


" Seriously mom , why we have to go there ?" " Because it's your engagement
and this time won't come again , my handsome son in law will come in no time so go and get ready "

" Fine!"

My Outfit -

My Outfit -

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Let's go . I move out of the house

" Good afternoon" I greet him  "afternoon"

" Listen last time you open the door now let me open it " I said " ok fine "

His outfit

(Ignore the bag )

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(Ignore the bag )

First time I saw him in causals  .


Shopping Centre -

We both are looking for my dress right now in ladies section

"See this one " taehyung said

" Nice ,what about this one ' I said

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" Nice ,what about this one ' I said

" Nice ,what about this one ' I said

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" Good " he said

" Taehyung is that you ?" We both heard a female voice behind us


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