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" Taehyung is that you ?" They both heard a female voice behind them

"Song-hee?" He said with a cold surprised tone." Oh I miss you so so much Taehyung, you don't know " she said " I don't even want to know"

Y/N was staring at Taehyung with a questioning gaze. As if she was askin' ' who is she' with her eyes

" Let's go from here " Taehyung said while holding her wrist . Song-hee blocked thier way said in hurry " wait wait who is she? What are you doing with him, I know low class people very well how you people try to get in rich people's pant for their money"

This was end of Y/N's patience. Taehyung was about to reply to song-hee for his fiance. But Y/N push him before he could do anything

" Low class people huh, they way you are describing them I think you are one of them ms." " You--" " uh huh I'm not done yet , who are you to judge my character, you are no one to judge my character and what do you do for living or still living on parents money daddy's princess"

" I am a world class model Yun Song-hee you are nothing in compare to me and leave him , he won't fall into your tactics"

Taehyung was trying so hard to stop her because he knows if she started speaking it's going to be end for her , he was not worried about Y/N or people around them who were recording them but he was worried for Song-hee what will happen to her if Y/N started speaking her career will be gone in seconds ( facts who will dare to mess with an advocate 😉) but somewhere he also want this to happen , who knows because of past ?

" Y/N let's go , no need to waste our precious time on a trash" Taehyung said " how can you say like that taehyung" song-hee said with a fake puppy face

" No let me know her more , in which world she is supermodel " " oh I think you can't digest the fact that I am a successful model after all it's everyone's dream to be on this place in which I'm standing right now

Y/N laughed and said " you mean the place where you reach after warming up the beds of several men, and then I must say thank God I'm not at your place"

" How dare you say these types of things about me when you don't even know me properly" " ohh really did you taste your own medicine darling" y/n said with a smirk

" And you know what this is the original way to be super successful model in the entertainment industry, and ms .supermodel I haven't even heard your name once in newspaper, television even on online sites. I don't know what type of model you are "

Song-hee clenched her jaw in anger 'how dare a average girl just roast me up in minutes ' she thought

" Taehyung I'm waiting for you in the car hurry up " Y/N said and left from there to basement (car parking)

Song-hee looked at Taehyung and said with her fake fake innocent face " look that girl talked to me so harshly and you didn't even speak something" " well, meet my soon to be wife advocate lee Y/N" he said and left from there , he enjoyed song-hee's expression while getting roast


I sat in my car . I saw Y/N with her closed eyes and muttering under her breath slowing "what are you doing" I asked her, she didn't speak for 1 min

" It's is a way to control your anger, it's very effective" she said with a neutral tone as if she was not fuming in anger few moments ago

" Don't you wanna know who was she ?" " Why would I ?" " This is what other wives do too" " first of all I am not your wife, and second of all it's your matter I won't speak anything until I get involved in your shits , remember that , then I won't even care that the person was special to you in past " now he was regretting to ask her this question" ok you relax, want coffee?" " Much needed"

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