PART - 14

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Y/N'S parents were sitting with her . Her mom was cutting apple and feeding her side by side . Her father was sitting on the stool beside her and was reading her a case file . Being a workaholic , she can't avoid . 

" Y/N please let's stop it  , I'm tired " her dad said tired of reading that file again and again because this file was not written by her . She is checking again and again to find mistake.

" Alright dad you can rest for a while " she said while swallowing apple .
" Sweetheart we have a surprise for you".  " Really what is it" she asked them

" Come inside " she said . After hearing her voice a Y/N saw a shadow near window , she got curious as it was a bulky shadow and that person came in .

" Fed" she muttered under her breath her eyes are wide open . " Ma belle" " oh my god" she screamed and try to get up from the hospital bed but because of her leg fracture she was not able to get up . He saw this and took long steps towards her and engulfed her in his arms . She hugged him back , and some tears were coming out of her eyes

He backed off as he felt his shoulder getting wet " oh mio Dio, sono venuto qui per incontrarci dopo così tanto tempo e tu stai piangendo qui" (oh my i came here to meet you after so long and you are crying here)  he said in Italian

" No it's just I'm so emotional to see you after so long " she replied Mr and Mrs lee smiled to see there interaction.

" Oh my I didn't know my lioness is a crybaby " she punched his chest slowly as he was teasing her .

" When did you came back " "  l'ho fatta atterrare il giorno del tuo incidente, ero qui solo finché il dottore non è uscito e ci ha detto che sei al sicuro  ( i landed here on the day of your accident i was here only until doctor comes out and tell us that you are safe)" " ma non eri qui quando ho ripreso conoscenza(but you were not here when i got my consciousness)"  she said " I went to Jeju island as I have some buisness issue there " " I'm sorry I was not there " he apologized.

" It's okay , but you have to compensate"
"Sure   I will "  " okay now stop it kids here eat an apple fed " her mom said



" Aaaahh , daddy please do it f-faster" this whore was moaning continue under me as I was giving her powerful thrust .

" Oh y-you want m-ore ... What can I expect from a whore like you " I said while breathing heavily as it was thier 6th round . She moaned at my words  "tch ... Slut "

I can't hear her dirty moans more so I stuffed her dirty undies I her mouth as gag " don't you dare to throw it out of your mouth" he said thrusting inside her and hold her throat as she was going backward as she was sensitive and tears started coming out of her eyes . I cummed with a groan .

She was almost unconscious. I took my clothes which were scattered on the floor and throw money on her face and came out of the club room . And fixed my clothes once again and wore my shades and move out of there .

The moment I stepped inside my mansion ....I saw my dad and that bitch I mean my so called step mom was sitting beside her . He looked in my direction and stood up from the couch " where were you " he asked me " it's non of your business" " JIMIN " he shouted but I didn't even flinch as it was common for me . " Is this a way you talk to your father " he said " father ? REALLY BY GIVING BIRTH NO ONE BECOMES A DAMN FATHER .... DID YOU EVER FULFILL THAT RESPONSIBILITY OF BEING A FATHER HUH "

" JIMIN don't talk to your father like this and please honey don't take stress as your BP will raise" she said while massaging his forearm ..... Great now this bitch also started saying in between" I will make him understand " she said and I raised my eyebrow at her words

" I'm sick of you " my father said and move out of there and that bitch looked at me and pass a smirk. And left from there too " what hell is wrong with the people living in this house I'm sick of it " i was mumbling in anger and got inside my room .

I removed my shirt as I was not in habit to sleep with it . I changed into my comfortable lower.... Suddenly I heard a knock on my door " come in " a girl around the age of 24-25 came inside she was so beautiful and have a curvy body

" What do you want ryujin" I asked her

( Disclaimer:- I don't hate any of the k-pop idol and a used name randomly as please don't hate me for that )

"Young Master I brought you water bottle" she said and placed the bottle on the nightstand

" How many times I have to tell you call me jimin not young master " " but - ". " I know you are maid here but don't forget we are friends from childhood and I don't like you addressing me as  young master got it " she nodded her head " can I go now " " yeah you can "



The moment she came out of the room she started blushing as she had a crush on him from so long she and her mom work as a maid here when she was 4 yrs old . Mr park took  responsibility to make her study .  she was younger than jimin .....  So whenever someone used to bully her he used to protect her from that bully because jimin was number one bully of that school with that he had a bestfriend....buddy with him too .


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To Be Continued ~

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