PART -36

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JIMIN felt angry cuz of the way Taehyung was holding Y/N' s waist protectively. Anger rushed in his veins . Automatically Jimin's feet moved towards their direction. He reached infront of them blocking their way .

" What are you doing here ? " JIMIN said while pointing his finger towards Taehyung with a raised eyebrow. Taehyung gave him same attitude and said " I'm here to pick up my WIFE any problem"

JIMIN spat back " oh hello mr . You both aren't even married then how can she become your wife " while crossing his arms over his chest .

" Who said that ?" Taehyung asked with raised eyebrow. " Wait y-you mean " Jimin was stammering whereas Taehyung just gave him a dark smirk .

Y/N sense the tension in the environment and tried to ease of the conversation by diverting it . " Jimin you or mr. Park have to come in the police station to complete the rest of formalities. Well I prefer, the sooner you do it , the more benefit you will get " she said with a Stoic face . Professionalism was screaming from here face .

" Yeah about that how you ended up here and how did Taehyung got the Will papers when no one expect my father knew about it " Jimin said first pointing out to me then at Taehyung.

" Well about that I'm your father's Advocate. He requested me to make a new will . And as per law if new will is made then previous one lost it's value . Same as you saw the will before your father got ill was forced to be made by Seojun . She emotionally pressurized hum to do so . But when he got know about her real face he changed his will ."
Y/N said.  She continued

" The previous advocate you saw was involved in seojun's plan . And Mr . Park knew about it . But unfortunately before he could take any action Seojun mixed poison in his food . Which made him lay on the death bed . "

Jimin ' s eyes widen on Y/N's last words that his father didn't end up here because of natural heart attack but was poisoned by his own fucking wife . Jimin gritted his teeth " then how this bastard got the will papers " he asked while pointing out to Taehyung. Who didn't speak any single word. As if he doesn't even give a fuck what happening around him.

After a long Taehyung spoke this time
" About that when we returned from England Y/N got a call from her firm requesting her presence there . So I thought to join her and wait till she is done.  While waiting I got the file and coincidence ly I got to know about your family drama   .  This is how I gave you papers and Y/N reached there to fulfill other formalities. " He shrug his shoulder at last as if it's not a big deal .

Jimin ignored him and turned towards
Y/N and said " I don't usually say this but Thank you . I wanna invite you to have a dinner with me as a Thank you " while scratching his head lightly.

" What do you mean by dinner" Taehyung asked with  a raised eyebrow.
Jimin chose to ignore him and smile towards Y/N " I will forward you deatails about the restaurant. Meet you soon " he said and at last he winked towards her .

He left from there with a smirk " this piece of shit " Taehyung said angrily and was ready to throw his hands on Jimin . He was about to follow him but Y/N held his arm and lightly massage his bicep to calm down hai anger .

" Will you seriously got there and have dinner with him " He asked while turning towards her with a puppy eyes and face . Looking adorable as hell .


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" Aww my baby " Y/N said and held his fluffy cheeks in her hand.  She placed a peck on his lip but Taehyung was in a notorious mood . He grabbed her nape and refused to make her pull out . After minute or two he let go her lip but their forehead was attached with each other.

Taehyung had a smirk on his face watching her breathing heavily under his gaze.  Y/N lightly hitted his chest and smile shyly . She dunk her head in his neck and placed a soft kiss on his neck . Taehyung shivered because of new sensation. Still he held her tight . Their chest was collided with each other...

" Le-let's go it's already late " Y/N said breathing heavily. Taehyung just chuckled at her reaction and placed a peck on her forehead lovingly. He held her hand took her out of the hospital.

While sitting in car she said " I can't beleive we had romance in freakin' hospital " . Taehyung just laughed at her words and said " after all we are different babe " while kissing her back of the hand . " Yeah we are different" she repeated his words with a lovely smile .

The driver was driving the car in backseat his owner was having lovely conversation with his soon to be wife . Taehyung and Y/N was sitting in comfortable silence. " I notice one something" Y/N said breaking the silence

" What you notice my love " he asked her and looked in her direction with a questioning gaze ...

" That you and Jimin just pretend to hate each other . But in reality you care for each other so much . Am I right ? " Y/N said

" You are wrong totally wrong . We don't care about each other . " He spat back in a rude tone . He was frustrated because in such a romantic moment Y/N was taking that jackass name . He turned his head towards window  .

" Oh really if I'm wrong then how come you guys are always there for each other when one of you is in trouble.  " She revert back.  But Taehyung didn't respond to her. 

" I think you guys are Frenemy" she said and nodded to herself as if she understood everything.....

" Frenemy? What's that ?" He asked her with a questioning gaze " WHATTT! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IS FRENEMY?" she said .

"Aishh don't shout . And what's a deal if I don't know about this term.  " He said casually while ignoring Y/N's reaction. 

" Are you real ?" She asked him in disbelief " I'm pretty much " he replied back .

" Frenemy means a person with whom one is friendly, despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry " she said

" Everything is fine but we are not friendly " he said still not accepting the fact they care for each other .. 

" By the way can I ask you one question" she asked Taehyung " go ahead "

" How come you both ended up like this"
She asked . " We were like this from start" he replied back. " Don't you dare to lie to me I know that you guys were best friends  Mama( )  told me "

" Why mom " he muttered under his breath and moved his hand on his face. 
And he said to her " if you already know everything then why are you asking me" he said and turned his face towards window .

" She didn't tell me anything expect you were friends I mean bestfriends please tell me na " she said. .

He exhaled and said " Fine "


So , how was the chapter... In next chapter thier past gonna reveal out any guesses what would happen 🤭

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To be Continued ✨

Till then take care 💐🤍

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