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Author's Pov

Both Taehyung and Y/N reached her home after dropping Jimin who invaded in their car forcefully......

" Y/nie my baby " the moment they entered inside the mansion Mrs Kim hugged her so tightly . She hugged her back " how are you my baby " she asked her " I'm - " before she could give her a reply someone poke her with a walking stick ....

It was Tae's grandma " get off from here sweetie just got discharged from hospital and you started bothering her "

" No grandma it's okay " y/n said . The actual reason of and tae's grandma 's behaviour is ...... His grandmother doesn't like his mother from start . She just accept her as a family member when she gave birth to Taehyung...but still somewhere she is still not good with her

" Did you all forget about me ? She didn't even became our family member you started pampering her already am I invisible to you all " Taehyung said who was standing on the doorstep while carrying bags ....

" Yes because we love our y/nie most right my baby " Taehyung mom said while squishing her cheeks and gently placed a kiss on her cheeks

" What the hell you can't neglect my grandson like this see he is standing on the doorstep for too long " Taehyung 's grandma said

" Atleast someone know my worth .... I love you grandma " he said while wipping his invisible tears

" No son you got me wrong .... I mean come inside with the bags y/n need them right so place all the bag on the table " she said " wow now all you care about is bags ..... Amazing "

Y/N's mom came there " no one will tease my son " she said while patting his back lightly" mom only you love me here loves me in this world ... I only have you " Taehyung said while hugging her

" Stop being dramatic alright " his mom said

The moment the entered inside the living room it was all decorated with numerous balloons and a welcome home banner so hanged in between of balloons. Balloons were touching the ceiling and some were scattered around

" Welcome home " Fredrico and mr.lee busted confetti . " Wow " y/n said .

A cake was placed in the middle of the room .

" Me and Mrs Kim made this cake for you do you like it my baby " mrs

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" Me and Mrs Kim made this cake for you do you like it my baby " mrs.lee said while hugging her daughter

" I love it .... Thank you so much " she hugged all of them . When she came to Fed she asked where is my present huh .

" See my presence is not less than a blessing for you okay happy with that greedy woman " he said . Y/N gasped and punched his chest

" How dare you " she said .... Everyone was laughing while looking at thier interaction.

" Hey don't tease my daughter like this Fed " tae's grandma said " okay ...okay I have a present for you ..... You know I especially baked it for you with my own hands " he said " wow buddy "

 You know I especially baked it for you with my own hands " he said " wow buddy "

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" Tada .... You like it right ..haha I know you love it because it's made by me so why not " Fed was ranting to himself only while praising himself

She give him a done look . " What's with that expression huh let's cut the cake " Fed said

She was about to cut first cake but halted her movements . " Tae come here"
" What happen love" . She held his hand and made him sit beside her on the couch and held his hand softly " let's cut now " she smiled wholeheartedly

" Wait wait without me " Fed pointed out to himself " this piece of shit " Taehyung muttered under his breath

" Yeah go Fed ....cut cake with them" said . He held their hand and cut that first cake

" Okay okay now my cake " Fed said " but why it is already eaten " y/n asked him oh I was tasting it out you know chef always eats first before giving it to coustomer " he cleared his point

" Seriously and you got this cake only to experiment on it ..... What if it's not good in taste " Taehyung said

They cut that cake too . " Go to your room y/n need rest " her dad said ...she nodded

" Come I'll take you there " fed said and was about to touch her shoulder before that Taehyung yanked his hand and said " if you lay a finger on her then see what I will do " " what will you do " " I will break your legs and give it in your hands"

" Oh really before that I'm gonna break your hands you Little piece of shit " fed said in rage

" Just shut up both of you " y/n said
" See your are my bestfriend so I will escort you " " no love you are my wife I will escort you " " hey from when you became her husband huh " Fed said in rage

" Both of you do rock paper scissors" she said " WHY THE HELL YOU ARE OBSESSED WIH ROCK PAPER SCISSORS "
they both yelled in anger . She just glare them in response" I don't know which idiot made you advocate " fed muttered under his breath

They did as she said and Taehyung won in the game . Fed was cussing his hand
" Come let's go " Taehyung held her shoulder softly and escort her to bedroom.


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To Be Continued ~

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