PART -13

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They were talking to each other , then a nurse entered in the room with a tray of medicine and injection. She injected y/n
She was calmed while taking an injection but don't what happen to her while taking a simple pill . " No please I don't want that can't you just mix this pill in injection" she please the nurse
" No mam this can't be happen " . Meanwhile Taehyung was standing at side of the bed examining everything going around

He thought first I saw a person getting afraid of pill not an injection " Sister you just leave the medicine here I will give to her " tae said " alright if you say so .... But you have to give it now only ...don't delay" she said and left the room .

Y/N made puppy eyes hoping he would melt but on the other side tae was fully determined to make her eat that pill because he can't compromise in her health

He took that pill in his hand and in other hand he had a glass full of water . He ignored her efforts. And stand just beside her . " Sit down " he said as she was lying down . " No no no " she put her hand on her mouth .

" You have to now get up " he said and placed the glass on nightstand and hold her arm not tightly but still with firm grip and made her sit with just one hand
She got shocked after seeing how can he do this with one hand . He bring that medicine near her face . She tightly closed her lips and continuously was shaking her head " Y/N I'm saying with gentleness now don't provoke me , eat it like a good girl you are " " no I won't " she said in hurry then again closed her lips

" Oh you won't .....hmm I see " he said and in Swift motion he grabbed her both hands in one hand , took that pill in his mouth and pinch her waist . In this process she let out a moan and he took that opportunity and attached his lips with her and pushed that pill in her mouth .... She didn't even get time to react as it happen so fastly .

He detached his lips andshe swallow the pill in the hurry as pill's bitterness started dissolving in her saliva. After swallowing she let out a disgusting expression. " This is so bitter..
I want I chocolate right now " she ordered him as she can't take bitter things

" Well I don't have a chocolate right now but I have something more special" she raised her head to see what he had . In return he only attach his lips with her . He hold her face with his right hand his long fingers where caressing her side hairs above her ear she was sucking his lower lip and he was sucking her upper lip... he made her lay down and get on top of her slowly and carefully as she had cannula on her left hand .

She hold his hairs with her hand and tugging a little bit as he was tugging her lower lip . There moment was getting hot and intense as the time flow . Sadly they had to break their kiss when someone knocked on the door .

Tae growled in irritation and Y/N just smiled at his reactions and said go open the door . He nodded and get up from her to open the door but before that he straighten her clothes as no-one can see her in mess .... Beautiful mess expect him .

There was a doctor standing behind her was a nurse wit a note pad in her hand

" Oh hi Mr Kim we are here for regular checkup " doctor said with a smile on his face , he let him inside but something tae don't know that he saw his swollen lips and said while going back after checking up her " enjoy " He didn't understand what he meant and shrug it off


A week passed and tae was sitting on the hospital bed near her feets and massaging her feets with both hands

" Tae you don't have to do this please " she said because she was not liking him to touch her feets " no it's my duty " she just admired him with love eyes " I love you " he said out of blue "why are you saying it out of blue " she asked him " I just want to express my feelings to you right now " he replied " well you express your feelings everyday Kim " she said he smiled widely at her words

I'm so lucky to have someone like him in this cruel and selfish world she thank to God for sending him for her


Well I also wanna thank you guys for 1.02k reads . Love you all

Please leave a comment and vote on this chapter. I know this is a short chapter please forgive me . I just wanna thank you so that's why I wrote this short story.

<3 .

To Be Continued ~

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