PART-- 10

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We ran towards OT as I hear some noise I woke him up . " Grandpa" he muttered
Everyone was looking happy " tae dad's surgery is successful" he hugged him so tight . I smile widely . " Can I see him " he asked " no ...after 6 -7 hrs only one person is allowed to meet him ....he is under observation right now " I'm glad that everything went well "

Inside the ICU~

Granny held grandpa's hand and said " why honey, do you have a plan to go alone can I survive in this world . You are so bad "

She was talking to grandpa's unconscious body .


It's two weeks now grandpa is admitted in the hospital. It's my daily routine now meeting grandpa before going for work

" Good morning Grandpa" I wished him with a big smile " morning my daughter" he placed his hand ony head as a blessing. Tae and grandma was also standing there only . " See grandpa I brought you a bouquet" I changed the flowers and kept new flowers in the vase

" Daughter you don't have to do this , your presence is enough for us " grandma said ...I kneel down to her level as she was sitting on couch placed in ward

" Why can't I do it ... You know it helps to enlighten the mood and helps to have a good sleep " I said while holding her hand " I'm not saying you can't do this's just _" " grandma I wanted to do this and I will " " okay fine you win " she said while caressing my cheeks with love

" After she is lawyer ...she won't leave a chance to argue" Tae said in a teasing manner " oh hello Mr. Im not arguing it's just my trying to prove why I'm not wrong " " well its technically same "

We both fight alot , but still we stay together and strong it's like .... A old couple who are annoy with each other but still wanna live with each other till thier last breath cuz they don't have anyone except each other in this world

" Hey don't tease my daughter" grandpa said " yes grandpa , only you know me well "

We all laughed and talked about different topics

" He won't listen to me y/n .... Who knows if he listen to you " grandma complaint about grandpa

" Really grandpa steak is so dangerous for heart " " grandma don't give him any type of red meat "

My phone ranged " excuse me "

After attending my call . " I should go now " " stay for a while " grandma said
" No no grandma it was call from work ... I have to go " " should I drop you to your firm " tae said " why are you asking stupid go and drop here " grandma pushed him towards me " grandma it's ok I have brought my car " " oh ok take care ... Drive safely "

I smiled " I will escort you to Gate" tae said" sure "

" You are looking so beautiful today " he compliment me " today ?". " No no I mean you look beautiful and hot everyday but today you are looking extra beautiful and hot today " he panicked at first . I laughed whole heartedly

My Outfit

 I laughed whole heartedlyMy Outfit

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" Thanks are looking so hot " I replied

you are looking so hot " I replied

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" Should we go for shopping.... I mean I heard usually girls like to do shopping and ask from thier partner "

" As I already said I'm a independent woman ...I don't need your money to fulfill my need " " I know love ...but for whom I'm earning money it's for you and our future babies "

I blushed so hard at this statement

" I will think about your offer "

" Drive safely " " yes bye take care " I said and left from there


I was driving from last 10 minutes, but there was something unusual a car was following me continuously as I left hospital

I turned my car in a opposite direction but still that car was following me . I did it for two - three times but still it was following me . Now I'm hundred percent sure it's not a coincidence. I tried to call Taehyung, I don't know why I tried to call him at first place ... But still , it was not reachable at first place because it was a remote area still I tried for second time .....he pick up the call before I could answer him that car crashed with mine in a speed that my car got hit by the tree and my head got bumped with the steering so hard

At last I heard Taehyung voice faintly....then I lost my consciousness

Author's Pov

A well built man covered in full black clothes and mask to hide his identity and a basketball cap on top . He peeped in the car through a broken window

" Ma'am your work is done ... I'm sending you my bank details. Send me rest of the money "

Then he left from there while swaying car keys around his finger and whistling


Hi guys it's your author here .... I know I update little late but my exams are approaching. It's going to be hectic months for me . Update will be slow but still I promise I will try to update you guys .

And I know it was a small chapter. Sorry for that

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