PART - 11

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Uff...I just landed on airport. What a tiring flight . Finally I just reached....HI KOREA . I'm back once again.

I opened my phone to book a cab. After 15 mins my cab reached my location . "Sir your OTP " " it's 9426" . I placed my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. It's so peaceful here . After 3 years I'm gonna meet my chubs . I'm missing aunty 's handmade food too . Aaa her french toast always make my mouth waters . Suddenly my head jerked up forward due to sudden break .

" What the hell" " sorry sir but I think some accident happened nearby, that's why it's traffic ". " Oh ok"

After some minutes our car moved forward. I saw an ambulance going in full speed . I just close my eyes and prayed for the person inside the van .
It's my habit to pray for the person whenever an ambulance cross by .


" Sir we reached the destination" I got of the car and hand him cash. " Sir please do rating" " ok"

I'm in this area after so long . It's feels like home as always. I'm so excited to see how will chubs react to my surprise visit hehe ( NOTE :- Dyson family used to be Y/N's neighbour as Mr. Dyson got transferred from Italy to Korea . They returned to Italy 3 years ago )

There was a guard standing on the gate
" Sorry sir but you can't go inside " I raised my eyebrow, I think he is new here " why?" " Outsiders are not allowed, if you have pass then only you can enter "

Before I could give him response , an old guard come towards me in hurry " ohh Federico " I smiled a little because me and chubs used to go with him everywhere we want as a driver and guard too.

" Hi uncle " " why are you standing outside , and why the hell you blocked his way " he asked that guard " sir he is outsi-" Come on man just finish off this drama soon . I'm so tired while standing here with these heavy ass luggage . " Listen to me , you all stand here I'm going inside"

Finally I entered in the house . First thing I saw aunty sitting on the couch with file in her hand . " AUNTY !!" She looked ahead and smile widely. She got up and embraced me .

" Oh my god , why you didn't inform me before coming here " " so how it can be surprise if I told you " " yeah point"

" Okay now go and fresh n up till then I will make your favourite lunch " "alright "

After 20 minutes. I came down . " Wow aunty it's fab " " yeah I know cuz I'm fab" she gave me a fab sign I chuckled on her action . I started eating" where is chubs I haven't seen her till now " " she must be in her office ....wait lemme call her " Her phone ringed " oh it's her only"
We both give each other smile before she pick it up


" Hello" " am I talking to Lee Y/N' mother " ( remember she is a known civil lawyer) an unknown person voice ringed in her ears " y-yes " she replied with hesitation " please come to City hospital, your daughter got into an accident" her heart stop for minute after listening to that person

" Aunty what happened?" " Y/N got into an accident" she started weeping so bad
" What are you waiting for let's go " he held her hand and start dragging her towards car



Uff ... Finally I got all the medicines for
Grandpa . My eyes are fixed on the phone hoping a reply from her . A smile appeared on my face just having a thought about her . Someone bumped into me " sorry sir " male nurse apologized and moved towards a direction in hurry " I guess a emergency case "

I halted on my spot because that stretcher was coming in my way only with doctor and nurse around it . As it pass by me I saw a similar face . What is that Y/N " Y/N !! " I started running behind them in order to clear doubt but it was her only " what happen to her " I asked that same male nurse as he stopped me from coming inside OT
" She got in an accident.... May I ask you who are you to her " " Financé " only one word came out of my mouth because of shock " sir please get hold on yourself " " please safe her "

He made me sit on the nearby chair . I held my head in between my hands , unable to think what's happening first grandpa now y/n . I was in my thoughts suddenly I hear loud voice's her mom " mom " I said  she hugged me tight and started crying so much " where is my daughter taehyung" "  in OT " I somehow made her sit on the chair beside me and realise there is one more figure....

" Aunty she will be alright...please stop crying" he said " Fed " " shh Aunty ... I know she is so strong, she will over come this "

" Who are you " I asked . He raised his eyebrow " I'm Y/N's bestfriend and you ?". " I'm her financé" I don't know why I felt little bit jealous.....why because he is her bestfriend

Doctor came out of the OT and said in hurry " she lost so much blood ... Her blood is currently not available in our bank blood can you arrange her blood type " " we have to arrange it fast or else patient's life would be in risk " he got in OT again .



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Happy Birthday Captain Kim Taehyung. Stay healthy and happy always.
Love ya ~ ❤️🫂

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To Be Continued ~

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