PART -12

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Author's Pov

Taehyung was walking back and forth. He don't know how to arrange blood in such a short time. He tried to make calls but nothing happened. Here Federico is also trying his level best by asking his korean friends.

" Shit .... Can't you arrange a blood " Taehyung said angrily and throw in phone on the floor with a great force

"What the hell are you doing ...we have to work together." Federico said. Mrs.Lee returned to home after so much of convincing.

"Why she left me with this blockhead " he mumbled but unfortunately Taehyung heard that. "What did you say?" "Why do you wanna hear again "you dare to call me blockhead "" SO what, you are the one "

A nurse came and settled down their drama. They tried to call all hospitals in Korea but it will take time.

They were still trying suddenly they heard noise from the end of corridor they lift their gaze from mobile phone and saw jimin dragging a bluff man with him.

"Take as much blood you want from him " jimin said while patting his back. Federico eyed him and slowly said to Taehyung that " now who is this joker " "Just don't ask " he replied

Nurse took that man for the blood test before giving it to patient. After sometime she returned. "Thankfully he is the match" she said. They all sighed in relief.

He came back with a juice in his hand given by the nurse. "What's your name". Federico asked him "I'm Jihun, jimin's cousin " he said with a smile. Jimin took a seat beside fed and ordered Jihun to bring him a cup of coffee " hot or cold" he asked "hot". He came back with the coffee and gave it to him. Jimin took first sip then throwed the cup on the floor " you called this a coffee, just go back " he left from there while smiling a little. Cuz he knows jimin is not what he shows.

Doctor and his team came out of the OT with a bright smile. "She is made it " they said, Taehyung didn't wait a second and made call to mrs.lee as she was so worried about her daughter.


After she get conscious again

Taehyung was sitting beside her while holding her hand and jimin was standing with the wall his right foot was placed on wall and arms crossed infront of his chest he had a poker face on

"How are you now, are you feeling any kind of pain " he said desperately when he saw her opening her eyes.

"I'm fine tae don't need to worry" he kissed her hand lovingly " For god's sake don't do this shit infront of me " jimin said in a irritating tone (well..single peeps hehe)

" Then who is stopping you here just get lost "taehyung said "Tae don't to this " Y/N said in a low tone" just go to hell with your wife idiot bastard " jimin said walked out of the room in hurry

Taehyung followed him behind after saying to y/n that he will be back

"Hey listen " Taehyung shouted at jimin who was at end of the corridor. Jimin steps halted but he didn't respond to him, taehyung got the signal that he is saying to continue or else he won't stop

"Well I don't wanna say it to you but I
think you deserve this THANKYOU"
Taehyung said to him " am I hearing
right ..... Say it again" jimin replied.
Taehyung knows he was saying just to
make him show inferior......but both
doesn't know that beef between was just
a misunderstanding nothing was true.
They just have to talk to each other
freely nothing else .... Then these
soulmates will be back again, but
unfortunately both of them's ego are
bigger right now. They were the
soulmates who used to fight with anyone
who used to disrespect them. But now
they don't even bare each other's

Taehyung gritted his teeth and said "thankyou " " huh h didn't you have your breakfast in morning...say it loudly" jimin said with a smirk. In return Taehyung showed him middle finger and moved back to y/n's room.

"What happen" y/n asked him " nothing" He said. Y/n's family and tae's family came to ask about her health...they asked her how did happen she told them. Y/N 'S mom wanted to stay with her daughter in night but tae's family and tae convince her that he will stay with her. They all know what her health that's why they asked her to sleep peacefully at home not on hospital couch.

"Okay tae take care of my daughter and find about that man who did this ...I will beat his ass with slipper "tae's mom said she even held her slipper in her hand

"Jagiya don't worry he will pay for his sin " tae's dad held her shoulder and try to calm him down " tae take care of my daughter I'm leaving her in your care y/n's dad said while keeping his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry dad" he ensured him with a smile. After some time they all left tae and y/n was alone in the room. He sat beside her and said " you don't know how much I was worried for you " she smiled at his words


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To Be Continued ~

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