PART - 26

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Author's Pov

Taehyung sat in the car with his driver Robert ...." Where should I take you young master " He asked Taehyung

" Just take me anywhere Robert ..just anywhere" he said and his last two words came out as whisper

Robert didn't get his order .... because he didn't said any specific place so he started roaming here and there ... Taehyung rolled down the window and let chill windy air came inside

He took out his head from the car's window ...air was touching his face making him feel releif and calm .

His alcohol was also getting off little... Suddenly car got stop with a jerk Robert said " I'm sorry young master actually we have habit of coming here ....I will take reverse now " In hurry

Taehyung took his head out of the car and saw in was Y/N 's house before could Robert reverse the car he stopped him and said " just stay here ...I will come in a moment"

Taehyung got down from the car and started look here and there if he was looking for something useful . Poor Robert who was standing behind him didn't able to understand any single move of his . Because of his position he was afraid to ask Taehyung what he want to do

Robert phone ranged ...he came back in the car to receive the call but it was from the customer care ....the moment he looked infront of him he got shocked because he saw Taehyung climbing the pole until he reached in Y/N's balcony . He stand in her balcony and dusted his clothes. As her balcony was on the backside of the mansion Taehyung easily hopped in there without getting caught by guards which were on night duty .

Robert sighed and mumbled slowly "seriously love can compelling anyone to do any type of shits " he continued "what will people think after seeing him climbing like a thief " he shakes his head slowly

Robert was a old driver in the Kim mansion ...he joined them when Taehyung was an adolescent but after he got adult Mr.Kim assigned Robert as his personal driver . He was working as Taehyung's driver but Robert was in control of Mr Kim every big to small thing had to reported by him to his actual Boss

Taehyung slowly tried to open the door , fortunately the door was open without making any type of sound he came inside her room ....he examined the room there was a small lamp was glowing in the dark environment that lamp' s yellow light was falling on Y/N's face making her look like an angel

For Taehyung she was his angel . From the start Y/N is scared of sleeping in dark ...which Taehyung knows very well only if someone is with her she turned off the light source otherwise it's always there

Taehyung sat down on the ground beside her bed ...he was examining her very careful as if he was capturing every single details of her on his eyes . His eyes landed on her face which were covered with tear stains . Taehyung's heart clenched after seeing his love 's condition. 

He started caressing her hairs softly but she opened her eyes fastly because of unknown touch . Her eyes widen because his face was so closed to her she was feeling his breaths on her face . She was about to shout but before that Taehyung held her mouth tightly as if he knew her move from the start " Don't shout " he whispered slowly against his hand

He removed slowly and stand up from the ground . She quickly got up from the bed and said " what are you doing here "
She looked around to check the time ... But before that he hold her waist and pulled her towards his hard muscled chest . She smelled his breath and said " are you drunk " he started nuzzling in the crook of her neck and said in his deep husky voice " just a bit "

She pushed him away from her and said
" Just get out from here ...I don't even see your face have audacity to show your face after making someone pregnant "

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