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What the hell is wrong with her how can she ." Listen mom I'm not playing this type of game so you better stop it right now " " sweetheart it's not a game I really want you to marry him , he is good looking and stable in his life what else you want "

" Mom I don't wanna marry a rich man cus I'm a rich man " I said with attitude
" Just keep your attitude to yourself only in my house my dominion is acceptable " she said with same attitude ( No need of DNA test)

" You can't say this type of things to a lawyer " " I can say it when the lawyer is my own daughter and if you are lawyer then I'm judge " WTF is she talking.

" I want you in our mansion in 20 mins " she hung up the call . I stare at the phone in disbelief

"Arghhhhhhh" she yelled in frustration
Door knocked , " yes come in " I said while straightening my posture

" Mam do you need coffee or tea ? " Sana asked her " I'm going home urgently, I want you to go through this case and give me a summary afterwards , am I clear ? " " Yes mam " my assistant replied.

I entered in my mansion just to see mom and dad are already present in living room ." Y/N we need to talk " mom said "please mom if you want to talk about
marriage then I'm not interested" " sweetheart atleast listen to your mom once what if you started liking that guy " dad said in calm tone "I don't _" she cut me off " we never excepted anything from you nor force you to do anything, just for once we said something to you for the first time can't you fulfill our wish " tears are coming out of nowhere from mom's eyes

" You are not asking for a clothes or ornaments, for God's sake you are talking about my marriage" how they are so calm ...are they really my parents

" Listen Y/Nah tomorrow we will visit them , meet him and then decide what you wanna do . After that decision is yours princess" dad said . " Ok dad " I left from there

To be honest dad's advice is always best . I have read in stories and watched series where step dad/ mom are always mean and portrayed them as villian of the story but in case it's opposite. He treated me like his own daughter and didn't make me feel like I'm his step daughter.

Author's pov

Meanwhile downstairs Mrs.lee wiped her tears her started smiling widely. "Honey did you use glycerine" " wow how did you know about that " " what seriously you used that " he said with shocked expression " seriously you are such a_" " I know honey I'm genius, amazing person " she said while flipping her hairs lightly. Both giggled .

Next day (at night )

After a long day Y/N come in the room and throw her body on the mattress.
" Uff such a long and tiring day " . Her mother entered in the room " sweetheart get ready we are leaving in 30 minutes" " can't we leave little late ,I'm tired right now " " no , it's important I already told you take a leave but you didn't listened to me " " but my work is important and I can't leave it for anyone " " I don't want any other excuse just get ready on time " she left fron there

"Come on Y/N let's get ready to see your so called future husband " I mumbled to myself

After some time

I think it's enough, wait my perfume....
" Sweetheart are you ready , oh my you are looking so gorgeous baby " " thanks mom " " let's go dad is waiting for us "


We have been waiting for 15 minutes now , urghh I hate to wait and here on our first meet they are not punctual.
I just finish my work early just to witness this . What a life

" Taehyung you have to greet them happily understand, don't make your cold face there " " mom I'm 28 for god's sake I know what to do " mom give me bombastic side eye

" Let him be honey , trust our upbringing I know our son won't let us down right tae " " yes dad "

" Mr. Kim?" " Oh Mr . Lee how are you , long time no see huh " both males hugged each other and so our mom's too

I guess they are her parents" hello " I bowed to them out of respect " taehyung son you are so respectful " " thanks mrs Lee " " hello Mr and Mrs Kim " I heard a soft voice . I saw a girl in white short dress . Wow she is so gorgeous, is she is my future wife .... I think so

 I think so

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the moment I entered in the hall I bowed to them out of  respect . There was a man nearby by age standing with the couple I think he is the one

 There was a man nearby by age standing with the couple I think he is the one

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" Let's order our food " Mr Kim said to us we all settled down . Dad and Mr Kim started talking about business and mom and his mom started talking about families. Me and their son are sitting quietly looking here and there . " I think they both are getting bored ? " Mrs Kim said

" Yeah , I think you both should go and talk in private" dad said. No dad no dont do this

" Go taehyung " Mrs Kim give him a little push


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