PART - 37

177 16 0

(WORDS:- 1929 )


He exhaled tiredly and said " fine" . I don't know what is he thinking right now but he looked out of the window and sigh . How much this person gonna sigh in a day. 

But still I calm my ass down it must be difficult for me that's why he is taking time . I made myself clear . Yes yes this must be the reason .

He looked towards me . With his sudden movement I straighten my body . I don't know why I did this . As if he is my higher up or something. Damn why I'm nervous around him . What's happening to me .

" It all started when we both were kids ...
Toddlers" he started narrating his story . I am all ears now . No overthinking No distractive thoughts nothing !

" I used to live with my grandparents as mom and dad were busy settling their business branch in other country in order to make our company globally hit and profitable. I lived with my grandparents and spent most of my time there only . " He said he paused a little and turned towards me

But I was so much in listening that I didn't even knew when he came infront of my face " keep your mouth close my drooling baby " he said while wiping saliva from my mouth with his thumb as if it was nothing for him .

I straighten my posture once again and looked out of the window " Shit " I muttered under my breath.  It's so fucking embarassing. Internally I was digging my own grave to go and hide from this situation.

Taehyung guessed it.  And laughed " you don't need to be embarassed baby " and pulled me in a hug .

I hit his chest lightly and said " don't try to change the topic " He caught my wrist in his hand and gave a light kiss . He  continued his story while I was in his embrace.

20 years ago


I am sitting in the garden . My grandmother loves gardening so she made a whole garden in our backyard.  A pond and a small crossing bridge was also there . There are different types of flowers and trees here .

Nowadays I am thinking about my girl bestfriend whom I met in our island house.  I wish so much that I had a smart phone like elders have . But sadly I don't have it.  And I don't even know her name . I only knew her name from which her grandmother always call her .

" Bear ! Bear " my grandmother called me from inside . " Yes mimi " I shouted back .

" Come here sweetheart" she called so I got up from the wooden plank situated in the backyard and dust off my clothes and hands ready to go inside. 

I took my hands back and did some sign . I am recharging my energy same as shown in super hero show. When I felt energy getting inside my veins I started running inside in full speed .

When I reached in the living room where mimi and Gramps are present with my super speed . I saw a lady around my mother's age I guess.  Was sitting there . And a little boy who I guess is older than me is looking down . Feeling shy I guess. I shrugged and sat beside my mimi .

She kissed my head and turned towards that lady " Mrs.Park he is Kim Taehyung my one and only grandson ." She said with a little proud. 

" And bear she is Mrs park and her son Park Jimin. They recently shifted in our neighborhood. Say hi to him " My mimi asked me to do. 

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