PART - 33

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Everything resolved between Y/N and Taehyung. They were cuddling right now. Legs were tangled with each other. Y/N's half body was resting above Taehyung's whereas Taehyung was lying straight and he made a arm pillow for Y/N

Y/N was listening to his heartbeat with a faint smile on her face. While Taehyung had a  satisfied expression on his face.

In conclusion they both were spending the best time of their life in peace and while listening to each other's breaths and heartbeats. They were not CEO KIM TAEHYUNG who is a arrogant ass and Lee Y/N who was Fierce civil advocate right now . They were just normal human beings / couples who were enjoying their moment fullest while ignoring the whole world.

" I wanna marry you as soon as possible" Taehyung said in his deep voice. Y/N lifted her head and gave peck on his lips " me too " she smiled a little while saying this. Taehyung swifted his gaze towards her and held her nape. He pulled her towards him while holding nape. He gently attached his lips with her and started moving them at a slow pace. Y/N sync with his movements.

They both pulled out after a minute or two with a satisfactory smile.

They both were in their own world suddenly Taehyung's phone rang. He sighed annoyingly and pick up his phone from the night stand to who is his calling.

Caller id was showing' ASSISTANT'. Taehyung rolled his eyes and mumbled " now what does he wants " Y/N heard him saying it so she asked " who is it?"

Taehyung just titled his phone screen towards her. And after that pick up that call.

" Sir we need you hear immediately" assistant said as soon as Taehyung picked up the call. " Where is COO (Namjoon) " Taehyung asked In his cold bossy tone which send shivers down his and Y/N' s spine

Y/N was thinking like how this man can change his duality like nothing. She was amazed by this.

"Sir we had internal crisis earlier which was solved by MR. Namjoon but we need your signature on some confidential documents before sending it to the president" Assistant made him understand his point.

"Hmm " Taehyung Said and hung up the call without hearing anything from other side. He also knows that he had to go there as soon as possible.

Taehyung growled and kept his phone aside ..... " What happen" Y/N asked

"We have to go to Korea " he said " why what happened " she asked

"Some Office work came up we have to go back " y/n nodded her head understanding his situation. She think then they should go home as soon as possible.

"But I don't wanna go back " Taehyung whinnied like a baby and buried his head in neck while nuzzling his head.

Y/N laughed a little cuz of Taehyung's whine and hairs which was tickling her. She patted his back" don't be a baby " she said.

" I'm your baby " he said with a Lil pout. Y/N shook her head a little and said " yes you are my baby "

They boarded their jet and got mentally ready to endure 11 hour 58 minutes flight. Having each other beside this time pass so quickly.



It was a little heartbreaking for me to send Y/N to Taehyung personally even after knowing our odds. But due to some reasons I can't avoid Y/N' s  tired swollen eyes from crying asking for Taehyung's whereabouts.

I was sitting on the bed with a Laptop on my lap. I was doing office's paperwork peacefully.....well it would be a lie of I told you peacefully. My mind was not the stable place something and something was popping in my brain. Well Overthinking pro max right now.

I heard a knock on the door. I gave permission to the person who was behind the door. Ryujin opened a door a little and peeked in the room slowly and then straighten her posture seeing Jimin's continuously fingers clicking on the keyboard.

I still haven't look up from the laptop and continuing doing my work. I knew that person entered in the room and I was waiting for that person to speak up from their damn mouth...

After 10 seconds I heard a sweet shrill voice of a girl .....still I haven't look up from my laptop .....

" Young master, master (Mr.park) is calling you for the dinner " she said while her eyes were on the floor and head was slightly bowed

" You go " I said without any second thought she turned her heels towards door and started heading out of the room. I wrapped up my work and started heading towards dinning table cuz I dont want any drama. I am already exhausted from everything and everyone.

When I entered in the dinning room I saw My so called father was sitting on the head chair of the table and left hand side that slut of his was sitting...

I took my seat which was on his right
hand side. Sometimes I feel the rest of
the chairs are useless in here cuz people
who gonna eat are 3 but chairs are more than 10 here as if it was some kind of banquet hall

I didn't greet them nor did they But I saw something unusual my father's was  little off as if he was sick still I didn't ask about his health. The moment I sat down on the chair he gestured maids to serve the food. After  eating  little chunks father coughed badly and stood up from the chair while excusing him.

That bitch was unbothered by all of this and was eating food as if she was a queen of somewhere. I literally feel so disgusted while seeing her. Trust me if not for my father I would literally gonna held her from her hairs and gonna drag her out of this mansion.

Evil bitch

I was minding my own buisness but I guess this bitch like to interfere in other person's personal space." Where were you throughout the day?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I don't consider you anything to answers your questions" I said in a same tone was hers which was rude and annoyed......

" Don't be a bitch like your mother Jimin" she said now this trigger me so hard. "Don't you even dare to say anything about my mother " I said while pointing my index towards her in a warning way. I don't care if she is something to my father right now. I slammed my hand on the table so hard and glass of water fell on her lap.

She stood up abruptly and started yelling but I didn't pay any heed to her. I stomp out of the mansion in anger.

To reduce my anger, I came in my most favourite club of the all time to relax myself. I ordered some drinks.

While drinking I didn't know how time passed so fast it was 5 in the morning I received a call from the Ryujin saying that Dad got a heart attack half an hour ago. She tried to call me so many times but it got unnoticed by me unfortunately.

She told me the address without thinking anything I rushed towards the hospital. I'm damn sure liquor ' s smell would be coming from the clothes and breath.

My eyes were red, clothes and hair were messy. I rushed towards the OT and saw That bitch, David (dad's assistant), max (Dad's manager) And some major share holders of our company was standing there and discussing about something. By seeing their body language, it's confirmed that they were not talking about dad's s condition but something else

The moment thier eyes fell on me that bitch started with her drama. " My god Jimin your father is fighting for his life inside the Operation Theater and here you are fucking drunk "

Seriously this bitch didn't even gave a thought to call me and inform me about my father. Obviously if she would do that how will she gonna show me as irresponsible, useless person infront of others so that I can lose the position as a CEO in the company.

Everyone was looking at me hatred eyes. obviously I'm the biggest thorn on their way which they want to remove from the path. Everyone was fucking selfish moron here. While my father was fighting for his life. They are discussing about properties and positions. An advocate was also standing with them.

Well I'm gonna give a vote and read Target cuz some of you are not giving me a vote

Next chapter after 150+ reads and 20+ votes

To Be Continued

Thanks for reading

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