PART -31

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In the last part Taehyung and Y/N fought on the silly matter , eventually Y/N realised that she was at fault so she thought to induce him by reading a PDF
Which says " 101 ways to wheedle your gf /wife "


All the way they didn't exchange any words . Y/N was quietly reading her PDF while ignoring Taehyung's existence fully . Whereas Taehyung was looking at her with side eye and try to find out what was she doing from the past 10 minutes.


We both reached Taehyung's apartment .
I helped him to take out shopping bags from the car's trunk without saying any word . I pouted my lips because he didn't even spare a glance at me nor said anything

Internally I was preparing myself for the execution of the plan.

I came straight in the room with the bags which contain our clothes . I peeped out slowly and saw Taehyung sitting on the couch with Laptop on the coffee table . I'm damn sure he was doing his so called office work . Trust me guys this office is my husband's second wife.......

I straighten my posture and started to remove the tags from the clothes and started assembly all the clothes in our wardrobe.

While doing that I saw Taehyung's Underwear ' wohoo it's so big ' she blushed at her thoughts and slapped her head lightly and proceeded to place all the clothes and underwears inside .

I calmed down my racing heart and step out of the room in a cool manner which was I showing outside but only I knew my inner conflicts .

So according to me first thing that was written there was to cook a delicious meal for your partner. But I was hesitating because I never cooked a meal on my own not even a fucking instant Ramen in which you just have to add hot Boling water in the cup .

I never even entered in kitchen to grab a glass of water , but here just to convince him I was going to cook a full fledge meal .

I tiptoe to the kitchen while He was drowned in his works . I'm damn sure he didn't notice me . " Yes " I mumbled lightly and made a fist . I took the apron and wrapped around my waist.

Then I opened You Tube to search for easy , delicious, quick recipes. Don't judge me cuz it's my first time that's why easy and im bit lazy in this matter so quick and delicious so that he can forgive me .

I recalled my mom's words which were
'The way to man's heart is through his stomach' well if we thought about it more then I can conclude that it also goes from down there iykyk

'Fuck what are you doing Y/N ' I scolded myself mentally and started to gather suitable vegetables and meat for that .


I was weirdly eyeing YN who was tiptoeing in the kitchen . I am damn sure she was thinking that I'm not looking at her , but who will tell her that my eyes are always on her only .

Thank God cuz of my sitting position I can see her half of the body . I was curious cuz this Dada's princess never step in the kitchen to grab a glass of water here she is wrapping an apron around her petite waist . Fuck

I just wanna grab that waist and smashed my lips on that juicy lips of hers .

I shook my head lightly and thought to watch her secretly " wait is she going to cook " I muttered slowly after seeing her grabbing vegetables and meat.

" Does she know how to cook " again I muttered to myself only . I had furrowed eyebrows.

She was about to cut the veggies, at the same time my phone rang . What a mood spoiler. With a bitter expression I picked up the call and spoke in my cold voice .

From the other side my secretary replied
" Sir we have problem in our marketing team " he informed all the things which was happening in my absence.

We both discussed about that matter in the way I forgot to keep an eye on Y/N .After hearing all his blabbering I hang up the call . I was about to turn around...... I heard a blast sound


My eyes widened, I took strides towards kitchen in hurry . My heart stopped for a minute. All kitchen walls were covered with food particles, ketchup and what not .

YN was standing in middle of kitchen with a bowl in her hand . She was also covered in food . Looking horribly cute .

She passed me a nervous smile . It was the same smile which every kid gave to his/her when they were caught red handed while doing mischief .

I controlled myself and said with a stern and cold voice " Go and wash yourself"


After hearing his cold and stern voice , I was sad but still I kept the bowl on the slab without any argument and left from there cuz I know he will explode like a volcano.

I came in the bathroom for the shower . While showering I was thinking, First strategy was failed. Now I have to look for another thing.

I came out of the shower and wiped my hairs . I was nervous how to face him after such a heroic act .

With a slow steps I came out of the room . I prepared myself mentally for his scolding.

I looked inside the kitchen which was damn clean . I saw Taehyung was washing a cloth in the sink which I believe was the one from which he cleaned the kitchen .

He spread the cloth and washed his hands with soap once again . And sigh in relief. Im feeling so bad for pushing him in this situation.

He looked at me but didn't said anything.
He came towards me and started gazing me form head to toe with a sharp gaze . I was feeling so small under his intimidating gaze .

After that he left from there and sat on the couch without saying anything " what the fuck just happened" I muttered to myself

Then I realised that he was checking out for some wounds or injury.

He is so cute and caring . Even if he is angry still look so handsome. I was drooling over him .

But I shook my thoughts away because I have to do something more effective. Once again I started reading that PDF while sitting on the couch .

2) - buy your partner a flower bouquet and prepare a lovely speech .

Well I can do this , it's not that much difficult . I'm Ace at preparing a speech and delivering it to the audience.
I nodded to myself.

Suddenly I felt a stare at me .... I saw Taehyung at my right who was looking at me with a weirdly expression. I let out a nervous smile and hide my phone so that he can't see what I'm reading.

" Well I'm going to the market" I informed him " you can't go anywhere without me " he replied.

" No it's okay , I will be back in blink " I said and grabbed my purse and car keys and left from there before he could caught me .

I stepped in the lift and was thinking how to prepare the things.

After reaching in the parking lot I saw Taehyung's car and took stride towards it . It was buggati

I sat in the car and put the purse on the passenger seat . I adjust the driver seat according to my height and preference

" Does he drive the car while lying down"  I said slowly while adjusting back rest .

Now I was ready to go . Florist was near his apartment so it was easy for me to go there and come quickly. Plus I won't even forget about the directions. I'm very bad at remembering directions .


Drop your views about this part , and you can suggest me some ways , so that Yn can convince him to forgive her . If you guys want . I will go through your recommendations

Drop comment and votes .



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