authors note- please read

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so i'm gonna be editing and rewriting this A LOT because i've had it in my drafts for like two years but i never posted it until a few months ago. and now looking back and rereading it i have just given myself the ick in 1000 different languages so please be aware that i am aware of the faults in the book. before i edit thought it's possible i will continue the story before going back and correcting A LOT of things my two year old self did wrong. i am a much better writer now i promise, but updates and edits won't be as frequent as they were before as i've started my gcse courses and its a lot to balance with mocks, coursework, revising.
i am also aware that the storyline i've written is very similar to katniss' hunger games and i only realised this upon rereading so ill be sure to change a few things and perhaps a few characters if necessary. hope u guys understand and thanks for sticking with me this far if u have
love u guys 💕

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