2: Forbidden area

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The next day

Sienna's point of view:

I wake up to a pounding headache, what the hell happened? 

'Buenos dias hermana', Carlos knocks on the door, 'Can I come in?'. He's such a sweetie, even though my parents never did, he always knocked and asked if he could come in, but maybe that's just because he doesn't want to see his little sister naked. 

'Yea, just close the door, por favor, I can't with the light right now'. He walks in and laughs, he has a tray with all kinds of fruit and a cup of tea. 

'You're such a cutie, have I ever told you?', he kisses me on my forehead. 'Gracias, now, here are some headache killers or something, mom said it was great for hangovers', he hands me the pills and then the cup of tea. 

'Wait, Mama is here?', I feel my throat filling with the warm tea. 'Hermana, it's race day, Papa is here too', he tells me.

 I look at my phone, the light is too bright, but he's right... I totally forgot and now I only have 30 minutes to get ready. 

'Oh god, why didn't you tell me sooner', I jump out of the bed and hand him my tea. 'Calm down, you don't have to come', he tells me, while making my bed, like I said, such a sweetie. 

'Estás bien? I always come, I bring good luck, right?', I say, putting down some outfits. 'Si, hermana. I like the first outfit, it brings out your eyes', he says while putting everything back on the tray. 

'Gracias, I will take a short shower and I'll be ready in 20 minutes', I grab a towel and open my bathroom door.

 I can't take long but my hair is really greasy so I wash it anyway. I put on the first outfit, it's a Ferrari shirt with some black skinny jeans. Of course, Carlos wanted me to wear it, it's Ferrari. I brush my hair and look at my phone, our group chat is going crazy.

- - - - - - -

Girls who love Ferrari

'Luciana Vasseur' has changed the group name to 'Girls who love Ferrari + Red Bull'

Luci: That may be more accurate. Am I right?

Maeve: Yeah, although the tension here is... let's just say that I think Max doesn't like a girl as his teammate

Sienna: Oh god, fuck the guy. You have to beat him today, please. Running late btw

Luci: As always

Maeve: Not my words, but indeed my thoughts.

Sienna: Piérdase, Maeve make sure you don't crash. If I don't see you, please drive safe, I love you.

Maeve: Love you too, not dying today bitches.

Luci: Dramatic. Meet me at the paddock Sien. Love you Maeve.

- - - - - - - - 

It's always the same ritual on race days, waking up, getting ready, etc. But I find telling Maeve that I love her the hardest, it's like preparing yourself that something bad is going to happen.

 This is why I always speak to Carlos on race days because I can't let our last conversation be a fight or whatever. Luci and I always write something light, like; don't you die or make sure you'll meet our kids. Nothing too dark, like 'we'll never forget you'. It's our ritual.

It's now 07:35, still 10 minutes left.

 I blow dry my hair, which usually takes me 3 minutes because it's a Dyson.

 I got it from Oscar Piastri, we met when he was still in Formula 2, and we became very good friends. I recommended him to Mclaren and they offered him a contract, from his first salary he bought me the Dyson because he got told that; 'That ol' blow dryin' thin' is amazin'. Okay maybe he didn't say it like that but I can't understand all of the conversations I have with him.

I grab my make-up and put on some mascara, guess we're rolling with the dark circles under my eyes today. I think about grabbing a sweater but I figured it would be hot. 

They're driving in Bahrein today, very hot during the day, so the drivers must be hydrated throughout the whole race. Luckily Maeve and Carlos have been driving here for a long time, so they understand the track and the hotness.

 I walk downstairs and join my brother, who is already walking towards the car. 'You have everything?', I ask him. 'Yeah, I think so, but if I don't I can always ask the hotel owner to hold the room', Carlos always rents a hotel close to the Grand Prix, he says he doesn't like the jetlag so he flies to the country earlier.

 'Yeah, got money like water right?', I joke. 'Celoso? You can borrow something, how much do you need?', he grabs his wallet out of his pocket and hands me two 100-euro bills.

 'I don't need it, what I need is a rich F1-driver who makes me his wife', I push the money back into his hand. 'Hermana, you are a forbidden area. Do you think I will let you marry one of them? You don't need one as your husband, you have one as your brother and he is giving you 200 euros right now, so take it', he pushes the money into my palm, and I sigh. 

'Thank you, Carlos, now let's go', I buckle my seatbelt.

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