13: Out of the circuit.

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Qualifying day (we've skipped practice)

Luciana's point of view:

Charles has been nothing but nice to me these past days, and It makes me feel really good. Except, when we're in public he's not as nice as in private, maybe I should ask about that. Or not, I don't want anything more than a friendship and maybe he'll think I do.

Sienna's point of view:

Qualifying is starting in 5 minutes, Luciana is already at the stands but my dad said it might be better for me to arrive late so that there are not a lot of interviewers who can ask me questions.

I am walking to the VIP stand, no interviewers here. I am walking, with my sunglasses and my scarf. It's working, no one is noticing me.

At first I wasn't allowed to go, but then Daddy agreed to let me go, fortunately. I have watched all of Carlos' races... but to be honest, he's not the only reason I'm watching anymore.

I am not in love with Lando, but every time we hang out together... the feelings from all those years ago tend to try to come back. I can't allow that, so maybe a temporary 'break' is better for both of us. Yet again, there is nothing to break because we're not together in the first place.

'Miss Sainz! Sienna!', an interviewer has spotted me and has run after me.

'Please, I answer no questions'.

'Miss Sainz, why did you and Oscar stop hanging out?', she asks.

'Because we're busy, please I won't answer any more questions.'

'Ma'am, if you weren't busy, would you have hung out more?', she asks.

'What part of not answering questions do you not understand?', I am standing still, waiting for her to push the microphone in my face.

'Are you and Oscar Piastri together?', she asks shyly.

'Now you're acting shy? Really? No, me and Mr Piastri have never and will never be in a romantical relationship. Our relationship is mainly platonic. Please, now get away or I'll call security'. I say and walk away.

'Thank you Miss!', she runs away with her camera.

God, I hate interviewers

Well I don't,

Only if they're being a pain in my ass.

I walk up to the stands and spot Luciana.

'Luci, you're here. Please tell me some gossip', I hug her.

'Of course I'm here, okay I have some gossip but it may be... sensitive for you...', she says.

'God just tell me please...', I tell her

'Norris has been seen... with someone', she tells me.

I am utterly shocked.

'What? With whom... Who has seen him?', I ask.

'Charles found him... in a room... with no clothes...', she says.

'Who was the girl?', I know damn well who the girl was.

'No one knows... Charles didn't see her'.

'No one knows? Who did he tell?', I can't believe it...

'Charles told Carlos and Daniel, Daniel told Maeve and Maeve told me, but also Charles told me too', she says.

'First of all, you and Charles? Second of all, why was I not informed?'.

'We didn't have the heart to tell you, since you thought he... was into you. Btw me and Charles are not a thing but he and I have been spending a lot of time together, because of me being his personal content creator. You know?'.

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