28: Good liar

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Max's point of view:

I get out of the car, the P2 board in front of it.


I see Coulthard standing there, god I really don't want to get interviewed today.

I walk towards Horner.

'Verstappen, I'm proud of you!', he pulls me in for a hug.

'Yeah right', I stand there not hugging him back.

'Max, come on. You did great!'.

'Yet she won. So clearly I wasn't great enough', I see Maeve talking to Coulthard.

'I couldn't agree more', I turn around and see my dad standing there.

'Jos', Horner says, his smile fading slowly.

'Christian, I'm sorry for the horrible performance my son did today'.

I stand there, not knowing what to say.

I tried my best, didn't I?

'Jos, I am amazed. It was one of his best races to be fair. Maeve just had the faster car today, next week we'll try again', Horner places his hand on my back.

He has been there for me my whole Red Bull career, the only one who was brave enough to tell my dad that I was doing great.

'Oh Horner, please, don't sell me lies. He races worse than a girl... a girl', Jos laughs.

Horner's face turns white as he looks behind me.

Where is he looking at?

I turn around

Oh fuck...

It's who he is looking at.

'That girl... is pretty good at driving though', Sebastian says who clearly heard my father.

'S-Sebastian, yes she is okay!', my dad's face is bright red.

'Okay? I'd rather say she is... one of the greatest of her time, wouldn't you agree?'.

'Yes of course, yet Max is...', my dad struggles to find the words.

He looks in my direction and for the first time in a long time, he smiles at me.

Clearly fake but still.

'Max is doing amazing', Sebastion places a hand on my shoulder. 'You really are, you were great when you were a little boy and now you're improving so much'.

He smiles at me like a true father would do, without a fake smile.

'Thanks, Sebastian'.

'But please, be careful with my daughter, she is fierce and feisty. Keep her as your friend, not as your enemy'.

Okay well, that might be a little too late but whatever.

She obviously didn't tell her father about our... situation.

'She is one of the greatest friends I have, truly', I smile.

What a great liar I am.

'Max, you are next', Horner points to Coulthard.

I nod and walk off.

I wasn't looking forward to these interviews, but at least me talking to my dad is postponed right now.

'Max Verstappen, p2 again. Are you happy?' David asks.

'Give me the definition of happy,' I laugh.

David looks at the cameraman, did I say something wrong?

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