26: I'm letting him win.

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Luciana's point of view.

'It's race day', I knock on Charles' door.

'Come in, Luci'. I walk into his driver's room.

'Good morning Charles', I can't find him so I just take a seat on his couch.

'Good morning', he walks out of the bathroom, with only a towel to cover... the lower part of his body.

I swallow the words which I believe are 'oh my god'.

'You done staring?', he says.

'Very funny', I say.

'So today you are starting P3...', I say.

'Yeah, I'll probably get a DNF', Charles says.

'What? Don't be ridiculous,' I say.

'Just don't get your hopes up, Princess... that's all'.

'Fine, I won't', I will pray for him to end at least P3.

'So Princess, why are you here?', he asks.

'I overheard my dad last night, apparently because you were much faster than Carlos yesterday... Carlos has to give you the position if it's between you and him today', I say.


'If you are P4 and Carlos P3... he has to let you pass... if you are P2 and he's P1... then he'll have to let you pass'.

'Oh god... Carlos will be furious about that', Charles says while putting on some sweatpants and a white shirt.

'I know, but please just drive like your life depends on it or something', I say.

'I always do, princess'.

He walks towards me.

'Listen Charles we should talk about the other night... you know before... Arthur', I say.

His hands join the wall behind me, his face moving closer to mine.

'What about it princess?', he whispers in my ear.

'It wasn't supposed to happen', I say.

'Nothing happened'.

'We almost... kissed', I whisper.

His face moves closer to mine, his lips being just millimeters away from mine.

My exhaling going faster and faster.

'Do I make you nervous, Princess?', he laughs.

'Very', I say.

He backs away.

'We almost kissed again', he says.

'Y-yeah, we did'.

Sienna's point of view

'God, fuck me', I whisper, trying not to wake him up.

'If you insist', I failed.

Lando thought... why go to my own hotel room? I'll go to Sienna's, which was a dumb idea because now he is late.

'Come on, we're going to be late'.

'We still have 3,5 hours', Lando says.

'Yeah, you have to be there in an hour', I say.

'So?', he says.

'The track is a 15-minute drive, you still have to shower', I collect his clothes and throw them on the bed.

'Let's shower together', he says.

'Lando please just work with me', I ask him.

He groans.

'5 minutes, please', he whispered.

I walk towards his side of the bed.

'Lando, we're late'.

He grabs my waist and throws me on the bed.

'How did you-'.

'I'm strong, sweetheart', he laughs.

'Now... do what you're good at...'

'Lando, no... we only have 40 minutes left', I say.

'I really only need 5 to make you satisfied'.


He rolls me over and moves on top of me.

'Don't do this, Lando. Only 40 minutes'.

He moves his hand under my shirt.


He starts kissing my neck... then my chest...

'Okay, what the heck. 5 minutes'.

Maeve's point of view

I am fully in my racing suit, way too early.

We still have 2 hours left until the race.

'Maeve... Max, please come here', Horner walks into the garage.

I look at Max, also in his race suit. He walks to Horner, I follow.

'Listen guys we have a problem, we're booking hotels for Barcelona but there are no amazing hotels available for the both of you... the hotel we usually book has gone bankrupt', Horner says.

'We are booking an apartment for you, but... you'll have to live together for the week'.

'Oh god no, please don't', I say.

'We have no other choice', Horner says.

'I'll sleep in a fucking 1-star hotel, just don't let me live with her for a week', Max says.

'I can ask if Sienna has a spare bedroom?', I say.

'Sorry but you both have nothing to say in this, you'll have separate bedrooms, just act civil please', Horner walks away.

Why does the guy always drop a bomb and then just walk away?

'For fuck sake', I say.

'Yeah, you could say that', Max groans.

'Don't act as if you hate it more than I do'.

'Shut the fuck up, Maeve'.

'You know what, I'll be the hero and I'll tell Horner we're fine with this', I hiss.

'What the fuck does that make me? The villain? Again?', Max replies.

'Oh Max, you'll always be the villain if I tell the story', I assured,

He tries to walk away.

'Go fuck yourself, fucking daddy issues is what you have', I whisper.

'What was that?', he hisses.

'You have problems Max, don't turn your anger towards me'.

'Listen to me, you self-conscious bitch, stop trying to read me and fix your own problems first', he yells.

My eyes start to burn, I feel tears forming in my eyes.

If I let him hurt me like this, I'm letting him win.

Son of a bitch.

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