56: Fighting for something

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Saturday, quali time.

Luciana's point of view

'Leclerc, get your ass in here right now!', I yell.

Charles storms inside the room, his face visibly confused. 'What? What did I do?'.

'There! A rat! IN OUR HOTELROOM!!', I shout

Charles stiffles a laugh. He grabs a bucket and places it on top of the rat.

'Here, done', he says, but when he turns around the bucket starts moving.

I start yelling which scares Charles and starts screaming.

I laugh at his face, he is so confused.

'It moved! It moved!'

Charles grabs a plate and places it under the bucket.

'Outside! Outside!', I yell, meanwhile I moved and am now standing on the couch.

'Yes yes, calm down', Charles places the rat outside and immediatly throws away the plate.

'I will not eat from a plate who had a rat on it', he says.

Neither will I.

'Okay... okay I'm safe', I step off the couch.

'Yea, you are... now Luciana, we still have two hours and then I have to be at the track... which means we have e-'

'Enough time', I finish his sentence, a smile appears on his face.

He grabs me by my middle and throws me over his shoulder.

'Charles!', I giggle.

He slaps my ass and moves towards the bedroom.

My personal bodyguard.

Maeve's point of view

RADIO: Okay Vettel, 1:19.143 for you.

MAE: Which makes me?

RADIO: P1, keep in mind that this is a bad time, really bad. You can get more out of it.

MAE: I know, it's Q1 after all, just warming up.

RADIO: Come on, Maeve. You can do this

I turn into turn 9, my DRS opens.

I go push my throttle to the fullest.

Come on, Maeve.

I see a Haas standing still in the middle of the track.

I throw my car around it, barely keeping it between track limits.

MAE: Owen! Did you see that? What the fuck was that?

RADIO: That was dangerous, we will contact the FIA.

MAE: I could've driven into him! I could've killed myself and the poor man.

RADIO: Copy.

Q2 has started. Only 15 people left. Me as P1, Max as P2 and Sainz as P3.

I turn into turn 16, only a few seconds away from the finish.

RADIO: Penalty for Hulkenberg. Purple in C1 and C2.

MAE: Good.

RADIO: 1:17.121, found 2 seconds there, Maeve.

MAE: Phew, okay.

RADIO: P1 for now, keep calm Maeve.

Luciana's point of view

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