10: No way to return

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Luciana's point of view

'Thanks again for letting me fly with you but you really didn't have to', I get in his private jet.

'Luciana, you're my content creator, of course, you'll have to', he opens a bottle of water.

Content creator? We went downhill fast.

'Please get me a champagne', Charles asks the stewardess.

'Charles! You can't drink'

'It was for you', he grabs his airpods.

'I'm not drinking if you aren't either, I can survive without a glass of champagne', I tell him.

'Fine, what will you have then?', he asks.

'I'll have a water please, thank you', I tell the stewardess.

Charles shoves one of the airpods to me.

I grab it and put it in my ear.

'Seriously? Sará perché ti amo?', I ask him.

'I was hoping you'd know it', he says.

'Of course, I do, it was the first song my father taught me when we moved to Italy'.

'You're father is a great man, Luciana'.

'Please, I call you Charles, you can call me Luci', his green eyes are looking at me and I can't help but drown.

'Luci, please tell me, where were you born?', he asks.

'I was born in Draveil, France. Unlike you I am a real French', I laugh.

'God, I hate when people call me French, I speak French, I am Monegasque', he laughs too.

'Or the fact that people don't know how to pronounce your name', I say.

'Yeah! it's either Sjarl Leclur or Charles Leclerc, but I don't mind either, to be honest'.

'Do you have middle names?', I ask him.

'You don't know? I have told it in many many interviews', he says.

'I'm sorry, I never watch the Ferrari interviews, they kinda bore me', I say.

He laughs.

'I'm glad we have you, you know, to keep the interviews not boring right now', he says.

'Yeah, true. Now tell me your middle name'.

'Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc', he says.

'That's why they call you lord Perceval right?', I say shocked.

'Yeah. Do you have middle names?', he asks.

'Yeah, but don't laugh okay?', I ask him.

'I will never laugh at you', he says.

'Luciana Gulia Isabella Vasseur'.

He looks at me for a second, he noticed.

'Isabella?', he says.

'Like my mom, yes'.

'Hervé like my dad'.

We nod, I feel like we are more connected because we both lost one of our parents.

'May I ask what happened? W-with your dad?', I ask him.

Things might go south and I might have just completely ruined it but, it's worth the shot.

'He died 20th of June in 2017. Life went on and four days later I won the 2017 Baku F2 round. My mother always compares me to him and says how proud he would be of me, which makes me happy but also sad. What if one day I don't succeed to be the man he wants me to become?'.

My heart cries for him, I can't imagine losing my dad right now.

'Charles, please... you are an amazing driver, you have a beautiful soul and even though I never knew your dad, I am sure he is happy when you are', I grab his hand and squeeze it.

'Thanks, Luci, that means a lot', he squeezes my hand back.

'You know, I don't know if it helps but I have the same thing. My mom died when I was three so I basically have no tears to cry, I didn't know her. But my dad keeps telling me stories and tells me to remember them but, I never knew her so how could I remember the memories? I was three.'

'That must be really hard for you, have you ever tried telling him?', he asks me.

I laugh

'He's 55 if I tell him he might have a heart attack. You know and sometimes I want to be just like her, so my dad can be proud of me', I sigh.

'Luci, a wise person once told me... I am sure he is happy when you are', he smiles and squeezes my hand again.

He's really a sweet person. How come they think of him as the bad guy?

'Come over to this side and let's watch a movie, Luci', I stand up and move next to him.

He picks out a movie and I get a blanket from the stewardess.

Charles' point of view

She fell asleep on my shoulder and I don't dare to move, she has been lying there, quietly, doing nothing.

I have never told anyone about my dad before, at least not like this. This felt different, better.

I feel like I can tell her anything.

At first, I was just joking,

calling her princess,

testing how far I can go.

I'm afraid I already went too far

and there's...

no way to return

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