29: In denial

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Sienna's point of view

I walk inside the Mclaren garage.

I've been wanting to do this whole day.

Kiss him.

Especially now, I know the guy, he's so angry with himself because of his P4.

'Sienna', I hear his voice behind me and I turn around.

His cheeks wet, but I can't figure out if it's because of sweat or crying.

'Lan... you did such a great job', I look around us, but no one is here.

'Thanks for saying that but I really didn't', he looks at the floor.

I walk towards him, lifting his chin with my finger.

'Don't be so hard on yourself, really. I am so incredibly proud of you', I whisper.

'Sienna please... p4 is so bad I really can't get any worse... Stella will be so disappointed'.

'No he won't, I love Oscar, but you're the better driver', I cup his cheek with my hands.

His shiny eyes are looking right at mine, his hair being browner than ever in this garage light.

'I'm not worthy', he sighs.

'I would pay you a thousand euros, I would tell Carlos about this right now... hell I'd even risk my family inheritance for you. Lando, you're worth more than anything in the world, even if it's just to me.' I let out a breath, why does this boy think so low of himself?

'I wake up every day, praying that I won't fuck this up. Praying that one day Carlos will approve. We lost so much time, yet I feel like we have all these next years to make up for it', I assure him.

'Sienna...', he sighs.

'No, It's my turn again. I've been wanting to do this the whole day... so keep quiet', I stand on my toes and wrap my hands around his neck.

My lips collide with his.

He lets out a little laugh.

For only a moment I forget everything.

All my problems.

Just him and I.

Only we.

Me and...

'Lando Norris!', Stella walks in to the garage.

I pull away as fast as possible, hoping he doesn't see me.

His back faces us, so probably not.

'Hey, Sainz, you here too?', he asks.

'Yes Mr Stella, I was just on my way to congratulate Piastri on his P6', I smile.

'Well I'm here to congratulate my boy. Norris, I couldn't be more proud. You were fantastic today!', he hugs him.

I see Lando's face, not sure if Stella is being honest or not.

'Really? You're not mad because we don't have a podium?', he mumbles.

'Lando please, you drive amazing each time. No matter if a podium is involved yes or no'.

Lando's shock is replaced with a huge smile.

'I better go tell Vasseur about the strategies I found here', I smile.

'You do that, they are for sure better than the Ferrari ones', Stella laughs.

'Bold of you to assume we have strategies', I joke.

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