50: Being friends

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The next day, Wednesday

Maeve's point of view

I turn off my alarm and turn around to grab my phone.

The screen lights up and I see all the messages.

I open Instagram.

I open Instagram

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I see an incoming face call in our group

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I see an incoming face call in our group

Girls who love Ferrari + Redbull

L: Happy birthday Maevey!!

S: Happy birthday sweetheart!!

M: Thank you, babies!! Officially 21!

S: I am looking forward to your party!!! I hope you have a lot of alcohol.

M: Of course!

A lot of sound coming from Luciana's microphone

S: Luci, what are you doing?

?: Happy birthday, Maeve!

M: Thank you... whoever is in the room with Luci

C: It's Charles

M: Well thank you Charles!

Again, a lot of sounds from Luci's side.

L: Alright, I left the room.

S: Which room... your hotelroom or his hotelroom?

L: Mine...

M: So what is he doing there?

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