53: What was I thinking?

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Max's point of view

I had too much to drink, I know, I'm very very aware.

Yet this is an excuse for me to get even closer to her.

I place my hands on her hips moving her from side to side.

'Max! Are we dancing?', she asks laughing.

I nod and grab her hand to turn her around.

'You look beautiful Maeve, this dress suits you', she is wearing a dark blue off-shoulder dress, it is beautiful.

'Thank you! It's so comfortable! I never want to take it off!', she yells.

'That would be a problem later tonight', I smirk.

'What?!', she asks.

'That would be a problem when you are changing into your pajamas', I say.

'You're right! Want to get some more booze?', she asks.

Maeve herself is not sober either, she is far from wasted but she did have a few glasses.

'Yes!!', I exclaim.

We walk towards the kitchen, I grab a bottle of Smirnoff Ice.

'Here, let's talk here, it is quieter', I hand her the bottle.

She takes a sip. 'It's a great party isn't it', she says.

'Yes, yes it is', I confirm.

'Luckily Ocon isn't here', she smiles at me and hands me the bottle back.

'Lucky for him yes', I take a big sip.

'Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden Max?'

'Because I like you', I say.

'Very funny, you hate me', she thinks she knows it all, right?

I point to the bracelet, still on my left wrist.

'Good', she says. 'At least It's not on the side you're wanking with'.

'Don't worry, I always think of you when I'm wanking', I take another sip and then hand back the bottle.

She accepts it, her face turning red. 'That's embarrassing to say to a woman'.

'To say to anyone', she corrects herself

'Sorry, that was weird', I shake my head, why did I say that? 

'Who's going to win this weekend?', I ask her.

'It's Barcelona, let me take this one, and then you can have Zandvoort', she laughs.

'Sounds like a good deal, but I won't let you win that easily'

'I don't expect you to', her eyes fixate on me.

'Good, I like to work for it'

'So do I', she smirks.

Charles' point of view

I take a sip of my beer, watching Luciana, Maeve, and Sienna dancing.

Mostly Luci.

'Cheers, ami', Pierre walks up to me.

'Cheers, mate,' I notice Kika dancing with Luci.

'Looks like they like each other', Pierre says.

'I'm glad they can get along', Luci and Kika are taking selfies.

'Me too', Pierre turns to me.

He begins to laugh.

'What?', I ask

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