70: Your beautiful smile

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Maeve's point of view

I feel the sun on my face.

I also feel someone breathing in my neck.

I open my eyes and my hangover hits me.


I spend the night here?

I look over to Max and I sigh.

I move out from under the covers and I search for my clothes.

I grab my bra and my socks and in the meantime, I notice my dress is lying over the dresser.

'Where the fuck is my underwear?', I whisper to myself.

I open the door softly, trying not to wake Max.

I close the door and run down the stairs.

While trying not to fall down I check the time, it's 10 am, I am meeting with Verstappen at 11.

Still, enough time to go change, fortunately.

Luciana's point of view

'Come on Charles, smile for the camera', I sigh.

Charles has been giving me a half-smile the whole time.

'My head is aching', he complains

'You shouldn't have drank so much, now smile, Leclerc'.

He tries to smile, good enough.

'Yes, perfect!', I take a lot of pictures.

'For what is this?', he asks.

'Instagram, okay now we'll be answering fan questions for a video', I place the camera on the standard and I place the microphone on his shirt.

'Do we have to?', he sighs.

'Charles, be for fucking real. It will only take 30 minutes, we'll send it to the editor and the video will come online tomorrow. Come on, Charlie'.

I grab the questions and sit down on a chair, he moves his hair into place.

He looks for my approval and I nod.

'Just the usual stuff, introduce yourself etc', I smile and turn on the camera.

'Hi there, I'm Charles Leclerc and I'll be answering your questions today'.

'Favourite track?', I read the question out loud.

'Easy, Monaco'.

'Favourite food?'.

'The kind my mother makes', he smiles.

'Favourite tradition', I ask.

'When I was younger it was eating with my whole family on sundays. My mom, dad, brothers, grandma's, grandpa's etc. Really fun'.

'See, I told you it would only take 30 minutes', I place the camera in the box.

My phone starts ringing and I pick up.

'Luciana Vasseur speaking', I say.

'Ma chérie, you busy today?', my dad asks.

'Very. I'm sending the editor Charles' video and then I have to make a list of all the stuff that needs to move to Monaco, then I have a PR meeting with Charles' team'.

'About that, I'm attending, they're asking about your relationship status', he says.

'Well, we're together. Officially, not fake. If that is all they need to know I will not go to the meeting', I laugh.

'That's all they had to know, which is why I'll make sure to tell them you're not coming, enjoy the day, chérie. Don't work so hard'.

'I have to, to earn money and to keep myself busy', I have put my dad on speaker.

'Darling, your boyfriend makes 36 million a year, give yourself a break'.

'I agree', Charles tunes in.

'I don't, I need my own trust fund', I sigh.

'Darling, I don't need no one else. No trust fund necessary', Charles smirks.

'Listen to that boy, take a break, Luciana. It will kill you', my dad pleads.

'No, when I end up under a bridge, that will kill me. Was that all, papa?', I ask.

'Yes, ma chérie. Charles keep an eye on her'.

'I will, sir'.

'Bye dad', I hang up the phone.

'No meeting?', Charles asks.

I shake my head. 'No meeting'.

Sienna's point of view

I turn up the volume and turn on the vacuum.

'La noche está para un reggaetón lento', the song fills my head.

'Yo solo la miré y la invité Bailemos', I start singing.

'Sienna?', Lando's voice scares me.

'Oh Dios Mìo!', I yell. 'You fucking scared me'.

'Why are you cleaning our apartment?', he asks.

'It was your idea to turn our separate hotels into one apartment for the rest of the week', I say confused.

'Yeah but we have a maid, you don't have to clean', he chuckles.

'I can clean up after myself, I don't need to waste money when I have enough free time, I'm not working'.

'Then why don't you start your own bakery again? You loved baking', he says.

'I'm not opening my own bakery, look how the first one turned out'.

'Sienna, why don't you try it again? I'll help u out', Lando says.

'I'm always travelling with you, I don't have time for a bakery right now'.

'Not right now, but when this racing season is over, we'll have enough time to set something up and then when racing season starts again you can hire enough employees', he explains.

'It will cost a lot of money, I don't know if I want to go through all that again', I conclude.

'What part of me helping do you not understand? Think about it Sien, you can start one in Monaco. After we move in together', he smirks.

'Just because Luciana and Charles are moving in together does not mean I am too', I sigh.

'Maeve also lives in Monaco, you three will be much closer. Beside, we're living together now too, what difference does it make?'

'You're right... I'll think about the bakery but I'll move in with you, Lando', I try to hide my smile.

'Don't hide your beautiful smile. Thank you for accepting my offer, you will not regret it', he laughs.

'How are you so sure?', I ask.

He moves towards me and cups my cheek.

'Sex, every morning, every midday, every evening... whenever you want', he smirks.

'That does sound good', I smile.

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