17: It's what friends do

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Sienna's point of view:

I really should stop drinking alcohol.

My head is buzzing, I don't even remember going home last night.

Today is the day, I finally have to tell the world that me and Lando are a thing.

Even though we aren't, but sure.

My phone is buzzing like a crazy bitch.

I grab the phone from my nightstand and I look at my messages.


You better check your Instagram, he's such a cutie.

What? Who is?

I open Instagram and I see it already.

The first post on my feed.

What did he do?

He made his relationship public

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He made his relationship public...

I dial his number and hold the phone next to my ear.

'I thought you would see it earlier but I guess with the hangover you're having I could have expected it to be late', he says.

'Oscar, why did you do this?', I ask.

'Grace said she had a great conversation with you, she likes you, you know. We both agreed that it was time for us to go public and well... Grace is really happy with al the positive comments, have you seen them?', he says.

Yeah, the comments are full of 'She's beautiful' and 'I don't know if I wanna be Grace or Oscar at this point'.

'Yeah, I saw them, they're really cute. Oscar thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me'.

'Sienna please, you're my best friend, go enjoy whatever you have with him, don't make it public yet 'kay?', he says.

'I won't, thanks Oscar'.

'You've said that already, hanging up now'.

'I will see you soon, drive safe'.

'I will, Sienna'.

I look at the clock, 3 hours left until the race starts. Let's get changed.

Maeve's point of view:

'Okay Mein kleines Mädchen, control your tires, have a good view over the track, and don't close your eyes in the corners', my dad is hanging over my car.

'Dad, I've been racing for two years, I think I understand', I say.

'Es ist wunderbar, dass meine Tochter einen so schönen Red Bull fahren kann.'

'Ich kenne Papa. I love you, Dad'.

'I love you too'.

The light in the garage turns green, we are allowed to go to our start positions.

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