68: The one who loves Charles Leclerc

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Maeve's point of view:

--   Max Fewtrell   ---

Hey! It's Maeve, Sienna gave me ur number

Hey Maeve! Max here.

I know, that's why I texted you

Humor, I like that. Coming to my party tonight?

Depends, are you going to be there?

Of course, it's my own party, but If you're not going, I might cancel

Good to know, If I come... will you get me a drink?

There's enough booze, normally it's a self-serve but for you I'd make an exception.

Great. Hopefully there will be some good looking boys

What type you looking for?

Like, 24 years old, brown hair, British.

I think I can find what you're looking for.

Great, see you tonight.

Oh, you will.


I have been smiling at my phone for half an hour. Max is a ladykiller, I know that now.

He's hot and cute, he's friendly. Although I don't mind if his personality sucks, for tonight all I need is a cute face who can use his d-

Okay yeah nvm, sounds weird.

Just sex, no feelings.

Not at first at least.

Maybe we can become FWB!

Oh gosh, I'm overthinking about this.

Just sex, Maeve. Just sex.

Luciana's point of view

'Just sex, Luci', Charles asks.

'No, you offered to buy me the bracelet so I'd sleep with you. That's like being a hooker', I shake my head. 'You did the same in the UK'.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I really didn't. Please forgive me, I'm really sorry. I just want you to have nice things', Charles sighs.

I open his sock drawer. 'It's fine, Charlie. I know you meant it well'.

I search through his socks, trying to find one without holes.

Suddenly my hands feels something boxy.

'Wait, Luc! Don't touch my sock-'

I hold up the box, it's beautiful, full with diamond stones and gold.

'Oh fuck', Charles sighs.

'Yeah indeed, oh fuck'.

I look at the box, with emerald stones my name is engraved on the box.

'L.L?', I ask. 'Luciana Leclerc?'.

He laughs. 'Le Louvre, actually'.

'What is it?', I try not to open the box.

He slowly grabs it out of my hand. 'Le Louvre, it stands for you. Because you are the one who is the dearest to me. Just like Louvre has the most prized possesions'.

'You're not asking me to marry you, right?', I gasp.

'I wanted to do this tonight, but I guess we can do this now. Luciana Vasseur', he takes a deep breath and opens the box. 'Will you move in with me?'.

A perfectly clean silver key is laying inside the box, carved with Le Louvre.

'Oh my-', I smile. 'Yes! Yes Charles! I do want to move in with you!'.

'Good gracious', he stands up and throws my legs around his hips.

He kisses me softly. 'Thank you'.

'No, Charlie, thank you! Oh my gosh! We're moving in together!'.

'We are, Princess, we are!', she laughs.

'This is amazing, oh my god! When?'

'As soon as you want, you call a mover and we pack the stuff you want. We would officially live together after this season, you know, since we are staying in hotels', he says.

'Yes, oh my god! I can't believe this!'.

'Luciana... I have something to tell you...', he smirks.

I shake my head. 'What?'

'I love you'

My heart fills with love and joy. Of course I love him too!

'I lov-', I gasp. 'Fuck! Put me down, now Charles!'.

His face turns into shock. 'What did I do?'.

'Give me my phone, Charles! Now!', I order.

He hands me the phone and I dial the number.

'Pick up you old man, pick up'.

'Luciana?', I hear on the other side of the phone.

'Daddy! Dad I'm moving in with Charles', I laugh.

'You would tell me first, right?', my dad's laughter fills my ears.

'That's why I'm calling you, dad. I fell for him. I'm in love with Charles Leclerc and the whole world may know it. I love him dad', I smile and Charles face turns into joy.

'I know, my dearest. Thank you for telling me, I love you two', he smiles.

'But now I have to hang up cause he just told me he loved me and I kinda have to say it back', I laugh.

'You do that, mon amour', I can hear a sob. 'Your mother would've loved him, Luciana Gulia Isabella'.

'I know, dad. I know', I sigh. 'I love you, hanging up now'.

'Go tell him you love him, sweetheart. But remember, I love you more'.

He hangs up the phone and I drop it on the couch.

I run towards Charles who opens his arms.

He catches me when I jump into them.

'I love you too, Charles Marc Hervé Percival Leclerc', I laugh.


I place my lips on top of his.

I am the happiest woman in the world right now.

All those fans dream of it.

Yet I am the one who loves Charles Leclerc.

And It so happens he loves me back.

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