12: Small talk

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Maeve's point of view

The interview:

Miss Baker: Good afternoon, Maeve and Max

Maeve: Good afternoon, miss.

Max: It is indeed a good afternoon

Miss Baker: Thank you for coming, do you mind if I jump right into the questions?

Max: Not at all, please do.

Miss Baker: Well we have sure seen a lot of you guys recently in the news, I believe you have been on quite few dates.

Maeve: Friendly dates, yeah. Yeah well, Max and I of course need to have a good connection and we like being around each other so it's great.

Max: Yeah we try to make it a habit to, you know, get together every once in a while. For example, last week we were cooking together at my house.

Miss Baker: Really? What did you guys cook?

Maeve (at the same time as Max) : Pasta

Max (at the same time as Maeve) : Nacho's

Maeve: Nacho's with pasta. It was really delicious, Max is a really great cook. Which is pretty great because I really can't cook much.

Max (laughs): It's true, when were together we either eat out or I'll cook.

Miss Baker: looks like you two are really close. If I'm allowed to be rude, is this going to develop into more than a friendship?

Maeve: Definitely not

Max: No, we're really close friends. We could never be more than that, because we lack chemistry to be honest and because it is simply not professional in my opinion.

Maeve: Yeah I agree with you on that.

Miss Baker: Okay, very clear. This weekend you will race at Saudi Arabia. Is there a fight between you? Like who is going to win? Because Max we saw last season that you had a winning streak which Maeve obviously broke, is there no hate for that?

Max: You know, at the end of the day we all want to win. This was a hobby and I was lucky enough to turn it into my job, I still like to race, no matter if I win yes or no.

Maeve: I agree, and I don't really mind if I lose or win either, it's really about the team eventually.

Miss Baker: Thank you so much for the interview, I wish you both a great day and I'll hopefully see you soon.

End of the interview

Miss Baker has left, Max and I are alone in the motor home.

'There you are! You both did amazing, it almost felt real! I'm so proud of you guys!', Horner walks in and gives each of us a fake golden medal.

'Thanks, Christian, but I'm sure I don't need one since I'll get a real one this Sunday', I say to him.

'Pff, yes a silver one maybe, not a golden one, it belongs to me', Max claims.

'God, I shouldn't have said anything', Horner says and walks away.

'The interview went great', I say.

'Please don't make small talk', Max gets up and leaves the room.

'Jesus christ'.

Danny Ric

Wanna come over? I'm bored.

This is exactly what I need, an evening with the honey badger,

I put on my jacket and I walk to the Alpha Tauri motor home.

'Miss Vettel! Welcome, you must be here for Daniel?', Franz asks.

'Yeah I am! Has he told you?', I walk into the motor home.

'Yes he did, we're making sure Daniel has all the handles he needs to have a stable mental health so we do as he pleases', Tost takes my jacket from me and hangs in near the entrance.

'That's very thoughtful, if only his last teams had done that for him', I say.

Franz nods. 'Don't you dare tell anyone we had this conversation', he laughs.

'Believe me, I don't want to lose my seat', I laugh and I walk to the 'living' area.

'Maeve Vettel, come sit down', Daniel stands up and hugs me.

'Danny, how are you feeling?', I ask

'I'm great honey, okay I have some tea for you'.

'Please please please tell me', Franz offers me a cup of tea and I accept.

'Is he allowed to hear it?', I whisper to Daniel.

'Girl please, who do you think I heard it from?', he giggles.

'Okay so, Charles saw Norris and the girl... you know about that, but now with the Oscar and Sienna gossip, McLaren is under fire, which means that if more people find out about the girl...', Daniel says.

'Norris would have to tell McLaren about her because they don't want to have skeletons in the closet', I say.

'Exactly, and even though I wanna know the girl's identity you have to promise me that you will never ever tell someone about what I told you okay? But you are allowed to tell Sienna and Luciana,' he says

'I promise Danny, you can count on me', I say.

'I knew that, but still I had to confirm, for my mental sake', he laughs.

God, Danny is amazing.

Luciana's point of view

I wake up in a room I definitely don't remember.

'Hello?', someone knocks on the door. I immediately recognize the voice.

'Charles, what am I doing here?', I feel under the blankets, I'm still wearing my clothes, thank god.

'You fell asleep during the movie we watched, so I brought you here, the guest bedroom'.

That's right, I stayed with Charles for dinner, god this is embarrassing.

'Oh god I'm so sorry, I have just been so tired', I rub my eyes.

'Don't apologize, you can stay here anytime. It's no biggie, really'.

I look into his eyes, the green eyes are staring at me too.

'Charles, thank you but I should go, you have practice tomorrow and all', I get out of bed.

'Please don't hurry, I really don't mind'. He says.

'Okay we could watch another movie?', I ask.

'Only if you don't fall asleep within 5 minutes', he says.

'I don't know If I can promise that, to be honest'.

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