48: What a cutie

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Sienna's point of view

'Hola hermano!', I close the door behind me.

'Hola, get in the car, you're late', Carlos grabs my suitcase and places them in his car.

'Thank you, brother', I get in his car, the Volkswagen he got for his 18th birthday.

'We are picking up Lando, he's flying with us. Are you okay with that?', he starts the car.

'Si, I'm fine with that. Are Mamá and Papá picking us up from the airport?'.

'No, I told them we'd arrive tomorrow, just so we could have dinner together. Although if you don't mind I wanted to ask Lando to join us', he says.

'Sure, he's good company', I try to hide my smirk, mission accomplished.

'Alright then', he hands me a water bottle. 'Drink, I can see you have not been hydrating enough'.

'That's a huge compliment, thank you', I grab the water bottle and take a sip.

'No problem'

'Hola! Cómo estás?', Lando gets in the car.

'Bien! Bien!', I smile.

'How are you doing, my muppet friend?', Carlos asks him.

'I'm doing amazingly well', Lando answers.

'Because of the girl?'

I choke on my water.

'Girl?', I ask.

Lando looks at me in the rearview mirror.

'Lando is dating someone... right Lan?', Carlos smiles.

'Well uhm, I- yes I am seeing someone... but it's not serious', he answers.

'Not?', I smirk.

'No, I don't see her often...'

'Just for sex?', I ask smiling.

'Hermana, you don't ask that', Carlos shakes his head.

'Grow up Carlos, you have sex, Lando has sex... I have s-'

'Don't finish that sentence, please...', he begs. 'I can't think of my little sister doing that stuff...'

'That stuff? So you can sleep with all the girls in the country... yet I cannot?', I ask him.

'It's different... and I haven't been sleeping around like I used to...', Carlos blushes.

'That because you are talking to that Davidson girl'

'It's Donaldson', he corrects me.

'You could've denied it, yet you corrected me', I smile.

'She's nice and she can handle all this Latino', Carlos says, his eyes sparkle when he talks about her.

'That's so cute! You love her! I wish I had someone to tame this Latina', I look at Lando in the mirror, he smirks.

'Please, no one can handle your mood swings. One moment you are sweet, then angry, and then sad. Even I can't handle it anymore', Carlos answers.

'I'm sure someone will once', Lando says.

'If you find someone who can... Jesus I'd give you my blessing to marry them', Carlos laughs.

I look at the mirror, Lando's eyes meeting with mine.

He smiles and I smile back.

If only Carlos knew it would be his best friend.

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