23: We're not friends

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Free practice is once again skipped.

It is now Saturday (two days later)

Maeve's point of view:

I'm P1 in quali today.

Which makes me really happy, because I want to win this Sunday.

I have to.

RE: Maeve, Max has a faster lap. You are now P2.

MAE: Goddamnit, how much?

RE: Two seconds between you two.

MAE: What the fuck? That's a new record isn't it?

RE: Yeah it is. Now please, come back in the garage.

I won't let him win that easily.

MAE: how many minutes left?

RE: two, please don't risk it.

Fine, I'll beat him in Q2.

I am in the garage, Horner is celebrating Max's record.

Please, as if Max has done something special...

okay maybe he has but... well I'd... forget it.

We are waiting until Q2.

2 minutes left.

Horner walks towards me. 'Maeve you are doing absolutely fantastic!', he says.

'I know, I'm doing wünderbar', I say to him, he nods.

'But be ready to comfort Max, because I'm going to be P1'.

Horner laughs. 'I will be ready, for the both of you, no matter who is P1'.

I roll my eyes, to which he laughs even harder.

The lights turn green, Q2 has officially begun.

No one wants to go in early, because the track will still be cold, but Q1 only happened so short ago and Australia is not that cold, so I risk it.

I go out first, trying to get an extremely fast lap.

My wheels are still warm from the lap before.

My steering wheel feels like a fluffy pillow beneath my hands.

This car is made for me, and no one may suggest otherwise.

This is the car in which I will win this championship, I feel it with every bone in my body.

Not even Max Verstappen will take that away from me.

I will win, even if it's the last thing I do.

I see the finish line.

MAE: Owen, how much?

RE:  1.19.242

MAE: You must be kidding.

RE: Max did a 1.20.013, he took over Lewis' record. You took over Max's record.

MAE: Fuck yeah! I love you, Owen.

RE: Keep driving, make sure you keep up with this time.

MAE: I will.

A while later

I get out of the car, Max is nowhere to be seen.

'Maeve!! Congratulations!', Horner walks towards me and hugs me.

'Told you, didn't I?', I say, hugging him back.

'Never doubted you, sweetie'.

Max drives into the garage.

He gets out and takes off his helmet, then he 're-adjusts' his hair.

It's wild and free, all over the place.

His face is sweaty, with an angry look on his face.

'Not going to congratulate me?', I say.

'Your ego is big enough', he grunts.

'Oh fuck you, seriously. I always congratulate you'.

'Fine, congratulations', he mumbles.

'You literally just helped me make a perfect swing two days ago, we were improving as friends', I state.

'Yeah right, Vettel. We're not friends', he replied.

'And why would I care', I say.

'Cause I'm the only fake friend you have?', he admitted.

'Okay really, go fuck yourself, please. I have more friends than you'.

I walk away, what has gotten into him? 

I walk towards the Alpha Tauri garage, spotting Yuki Tsunoda.

'Hello there Yuki, almost didn't see you there', I say.

'Very very funny Maeve, congratulations on P1'.

'Thanks!', I say.

'Ricciardo is inside with Sienna, I'll see you later', Yuki says.

'Bye!', I walk inside the motor home.

Sienna is sitting there, next to Ricciardo.

As I said, she washed her hair, she is wearing a great outfit.

She's out of her depression slump.

'Hello there', I walk in and spot them immediately.

'Hello there, congratulations', Ricciardo hugs me.

'Thank you very much', I hug him back.

'Maeve congratulations', Sienna says while hugging me.

'Thanks, babe, you look amazing', she blows a kiss.

'How was the date with Ocon?', he asks.

 'Sienna', I say.

'Sorry I couldn't keep quiet, it's just amazing'.

'Besides, it's only me, I won't tell anyone', Ricciardo says.

'It was amazing, we kissed and we have already planned a second date'.

'Great, I placed you next to him this evening, so you know, you can talk', he says.

'Thanks that's really nice', I say.

'What are your plans for today?', he asks me.

'Not really, you guys?'

'I'm expected at the Piastri family home at 13:30 for brunch', Sienna says while grabbing a cookie from the table.

'That's nice, is his girlfriend coming too?', Ricciardo asks.

'Yeah, Grace is really nice, so it won't be a big deal. Also, I've known his parents for some time so it won't be awkward at all'.

'Are his sisters going to be there?', I ask

'No, they're busy working their ass off', Sienna laughs.

'I'm fucking tired', Ricciardo says.

'Well then we'll let you sleep', I say.

'Yeah, I better get going anyway, have fun tonight Daniel', she hugs him.

'Thanks, Sienna, have fun with Oscar's family'.

Sienna and I walk out of the motor home.

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