27: Together

296 7 2

Maeve's point of view

It's time. We are standing on our starting positions.

What happened with Max?

He still sees me as his enemy.

I didn't really like him but he wasn't my enemy.

I thought that was mutual

Now he's acting like... I am the enemy.


The lights turn green and everything inside my head disappears

Racing time

Round 9

I'm P1. This race is boring as fuck, really.

RE: Maeve, Max is behind you. Much faster than you, let him pass, please.


RE: Maeve, just do it.


I push my gas pedal and I drive away.

RE: What are you doing Maeve?

Round 16

Max passed me last round and I'm trying so hard to pass him but I'm just not fast enough.

I'm a fucking failure.

God how can I let this happen

Round 28

I'm in the pit right now, 2.9 seconds.

I will be P4 when I drive out of the pit.

Fucking hell it's going to be difficult

Round 34

Still P4.

Max P1, Charles P2, and Norris P3.

Suddenly I feel wetness on my face.

MAE: For fuck sake... it's raining?

RE: No, it's not... sweat maybe?

MAE: Probably, Jesus it's hot in here.

Round 41

RE: Norris is going to let you pass.

MAE: What? Why?

RE: His engine is going slow, cooling off, or something. It's better for the points if he lets you pass.

MAE: Okay, well thank him.

RE: I will. Go get that podium Maeve.

And so I pass Norris, giving him a little thumbs up while I drive past him.

Thank you

Round 53

P2, I passed Charles in round 51.

MAE: Gap between me and Verstappen, please?

RE: 1.013 seconds

MAE: Easy.

RE: Max is pitting soon

MAE: What? But I pitted like ten rounds ago.

RE: The pit crew was not focused, Max wasn't able to go in yet

MAE: Why not a one-stopper?

RE: His tires are too weak, too bad.

MAE: How many positions will he lose?

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