63: I can't protect you

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Sienna's point of view

It's 3:31 am when I get the call.

A call that no one should ever receive.

The call that makes you an adult in an instance.

'Carlos? It's the middle of the night?', I pick up the phone.

'Sienna, you have to come right now! RIGHT NOW SIENNA!', Carlos yells.

I immediately jump up and Norris is awakened by it.

'What is going on?!', I ask.

'It's dad, he... Sienna he...', I hear small sobs. 'Hurry Sienna! Come on!'.

I grab a pair of pants and a T-shirt. 'I'm coming, Carlos, calm down, tell me where to go! What is going on?'.

In the meantime Lando has fully awakened and changed into something else, he grabs his car keys and is standing by the door.

'Dad, he got into an accident, a car accident', Carlos cries. 'He's in the Silverstone Medical Centre hospital. Hurry Sienna'.

The words fly through my head. My father.

How can one enjoy themselves just hours before and now I'm waking up to my worst nightmare?

'Alright, send me the room. Don't cry Carlos, I'm on my way', I hang up the phone.

Lando has opened the door and I walk out of the room.

But then I stop, my feet don't move forward.

'Sienna, you okay?', Lando asks.

My eyes begin to fill with tears. 'My dad', everything starts to become clear.

'It's alright, we're going to the hospital. It will be okay Sienna', he holds me close to him and kisses my head.

I nod. 'Let's go'.

Lando has placed the car in an awful parking spot but we both already ran to the hospital entrance.

I run to the nearest nurse. 'Carlos Sainz, where is Carlos Sainz?', I ask fastly.

The nurse tells me the room number and Lando and I run to his room.

When I enter the room I see my brother sitting next to the hospital bed.

And in the hospital bed... what?

My father is sitting in the hospital bed, not one scratch on his face.

My mother is sitting next to him

'What the fuck?', I yell.

'Sienna you came!', Carlos pats away a tear that rolled down his cheek.

'I thought he died you bloodsucking wanker!', I scream.

Lando is standing in the doorway and Carlos notices.

'Lando? What are you doing here?', he asks confused.

'Creía que estaba muerto!', I yell.

'But he isn't! I was shocked okay! He is sitting here and I thought he had internal bleeding or something!', Carlos responds.

'To be fair, I did call him saying I had a big accident', my father smiles.

'Padre, you scared me', I walk over to my father and give him a big hug.

My mother squeezes my hand.

'Sorry, niña pequeña', he kisses my head. 'It wasn't my intention'.

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