60: To hot drivers

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Maeve's point of view

'Finally', I say as Sienna gets in the car. 'You are half an hour late'.

'I am sorry, I was up all night drinking with Carlos and Lando'.

'So Carlos knows about you two?', Luci asks.

Sienna shakes her head.

'Does he not acknowledge the sexual tension between you two?', I laugh.

'Lando and I are strictly friends when we are around him, no stolen glances etc', Sienna explains.

'Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run', Luci mocks her.

'Shut up', Sienna sighs. 'How are you and Leclerc?'.

'We are fabulous, it's going great. We're happy, I'm happy', Luciana smiles.

'Are you in love?', I ask.

'I don't know, but I promised my dad that if I was he would be the first to know'.

I giggle, that's sweet.

'How does it feel to leave home?', Luci asks Sienna.

'It sucks, especially since the United Kingdom isn't really known for its hot weather', she laughs.

'Are you sleeping in a hotel?', I ask.

'Yeah, I can't risk staying with him'.

'Oh yeah, makes sense', I say.

Luciana's point of view

Maeve, stretching her legs, turns to us with a mischievous grin. "Alright, ladies, first things first. Snacks or gossip?"

I laugh, pulling a tray of delicacies closer. "Why not both? We have two and a half hours, after all."

We start with a selection of fruits, cheeses, and some exquisite pastries.

'For me a glass of chardonnay please', I say as the stewardess takes our order.

'I would like a vodka tonic', Maeve smiles.

Sienna is too busy texting on her phone.

'She would like a Smirnoff Ice', I hand the steward some money.

'So here we are, first class with all of the girls, no men to interfere with us', I laugh.

'Exactly', Maeve smiles. 'Except Sienna doesn't follow the rules'.

'Sorry, Lando wants me to meet his parents'.

'What? That kind off defeats the 'do not tell anyone' rule', Maeve says.

'That's what I've been telling him but he says no one will find out', Sienna sighs.

'That's what Charles and I thought and look at us, we are now fake- real- dating'.

Sienna places her phone on the table. 'But it can wait, let us enjoy the time we can spend together right now'.

'Beautifully said', I say as we hold our glasses high.

'Cheers', Maeve smiles


'So, Maeve,' Sienna begins, her eyes twinkling. 'How's life at Red Bull? Any new secrets you can share?'

Maeve smirks, shaking her head. 'Nice try, Sienna. You know I can't spill everything. But I can tell you what you already know, we really have the best car.'

Luciana chimes in, 'Speaking of secrets, how's it really going with Charles, Luce?'

A soft blush spreads across my cheeks. 'It's going great. He's been super supportive with everything, we're enjoying what this is and we're both looking forward to some time off together soon.'

After this boys chitchat Maeve decides it's time to shift our conversation towards the trip.

She pulls out her phone and opens a travel app.

'Okay, so we have until Saturday to have some fun. What are our plans?'.

'I'm staying with Charles in a hotel and we're going sightseeing tomorrow, do you girls want to join?', I say.

'Yes! I really want to visit the classic car show in Goodwood, and the Tower of London!!', Maeve says.

'And maybe we can squeeze in some shopping at Harrods?', Sienna asks.

'Great ideas, I will count you in, bring a +1', I smile.

'Lando wants me to meet his parents on Wednesday, but I'm not going, so I guess I'm free then? We can go lunch or something?', Sienna asks.

'I can't, Max and I have PR training', Maeve sighs.

'Yeah Charles and I are visiting some old friends of his, sorry Sien'.

'It's fine, Thursday?' 'Lando's best friend, Max, is throwing a party, he asked if you two wanted to come too. Let's go to that and then have lunch before?', Sienna says.

'Great idea!!', Maeve smiles.

'This is going to be amazing! I really feel like we're having a girl's trip, we haven't had one for ages', I say.

'Yeah, when this F1 season is over we're going on vacation together, like the Bahamas?', Sienna suggests.

'That would be a-maz-ing', I conclude

'Will Charles let you stay away that long?', Maeve asks.

'He'll have to handle it'.

We all laugh, agreeing that our trip is shaping up to be perfect.

When the stewardess brings out more snacks Sienna pulls out a deck of cards. 'Anyone up for a little poker?', she smiles. 'Just a game to pass the time'.

'You're on, but we're playing with real money', I say, dealing the cards.

'But let's keep it civil, a maximized budget of 25k', Sienna smiles.

'Oh my god, If the press could hear this we would be cancelled by our followers', I laugh.

'God, you're so right', Maeve laughs.

Our friendly competition and laughter fill the cabin as our pretty huge plane continues its journey. We play several rounds, the stakes being simple, the loser has to buy three rounds of drinks once we land. Oh... and they should post an embarrassing picture of themselves.

Maeve's point of view

The game wrapped up and the plane began its descent, yet Sienna thinks this is a great time to share personal thoughts and dreams.

A slightly drunk Sienna opens her mouth.

'I sometimes wonder where we'll all be in ten years', Sienna muses. 'You know... what if we don't marry Charles or Lando... what if Maeve doesn't win the title'.

'Thank you for your confidence in me', I laugh.

'No but seriously, what if it doesn't work out the way we planned?', she asks.

'It's exciting and a bit scary, but one thing's for sure... we will always have each other. I promise', Luciana smiles.

'You're right, I'm really happy with you two... Red Bull can burn for all I care, as long as I've got you two', I say.

'It would be handy for Ferrari and Mclaren', Sienna mocks.

I laugh and raise my glass in a toast. 'To friendship, adventures, and the future. Whatever it holds'.

'To hot drivers, big dicks, and great sex', Sienna adds.

Our glasses clink as our laughs fill the cabin again. A sense of unity and excitement fill my heart.

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